10. Work From Home

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I want you in my bed every night.

Lauren's real reblog on Tumblr

Wait for me

Camila's real tweet / the same day

Lauren's POV

"From left to right, Camila will stand first." The choreographer said checking his notepad. "Next to her will stand Lauren." 'Shit he's changing my place again. "Next to Lauren, Dinah, then Normani and in the end at the right, Ally. We got this?" He asked playfully.

Javier was the choreographer we used to have while being in Fifth Harmony from day one. When he found out we'd be back together for 2 days, he immediately travelled to Chicago to help us.

We took our positions and once again I felt uncomfortable. Work From Home was one of the songs that were accompanied by one of our sexiest choreographies and demanded lots of physical contact between us. My position in this specific choreography was always next to Camila as if the universe played me some stupid game.

I caught my hair in a bun and tried to relax my body. I was stiffer than usual. I tried focusing on Javier and not Camila whose reflection was right before me on the mirror wall. After Javier pushed the play button, we started the choreography, but even if I didn't want to, my eyes fell on her. She was a different Camila. In the past, she couldn't dance and didn't like it, but now it was as if Beyonce had possessed her body. She could perfectly synchronise with the rhythm while she moved without even trying. And if it wasn't enough, that hair flick she did along with her facial expression could take my breath away. 'How did she manage in two years to turn into this devilishly sexy woman?'

As time passed I lost more and more of my focus beside her. Especially when I knew we were reaching that part I was avoiding thinking. I didn't know how I would do it with her having bent, almost all fours, and me touching her. It wasn't as if the entire choreography was provocative, they had to add those moves too.

"And three, two, one... Bent." Javier yelled and my body mechanically followed, knowing by heart the steps. However, my hands couldn't follow as much as I tried. "Stop, stop, stop!" Javier yelled and came closer to me. Camila immediately got up. Her eyes were on her legs, avoiding looking at Javier. She felt as uncomfortable as I.

"What's wrong, Lauren? You forgot the steps?" He came even closer. "You bent at the same time with the others." He took a hold of my hand, which hung like a lifeless stick. "And then you place your hand right here." He placed my hand on Camila's hip. "Then you lower it to her knee." He drove my hand, touching all the length of her leg and I felt the air wasn't enough. Camila remained still and incredibly stiff. Despite I couldn't see her face I felt the clenched muscles on her leg. "And in the end you put your hand right back there, slapping lightly four times her leg, while Camila twerks at the same time." He chuckled and released my hand. I quickly pulled it back, as if it was burned. "It's simple, you have done it million times in the past, Lauren." 'I know and every time it was the same difficult.' "Let's go again," Javier said excited and pushed the play button. Camila rubbed her fingers nervously, showing that she was uneasy as well. 'She's probably bothered by my hands on her. Of course, the last she wants is my touch.'

I knew the choreography of this song would be difficult for me, but I didn't expect my body to react like this. I took a deep breath trying to concentrate, but Camila's back right before me didn't make it easy, especially when my eyes travelled lower to her bottom. It looked so prominent with the tights she wore that made my mouth dry.

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