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"As long as it's okay with her, it's okay with me

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"As long as it's okay with her, it's okay with me. Tommy show your friend where he will be staying."

♕ - ⍟ - ♕

The night passed quickly in the Antarctic Empire but no so much in Manberg, King Schlatt was up all night with his daughter, shouting and scheming, throwing bottles and books. She wasn't good enough, she failed him, she let 'their kind' stay with the enemy, she put her brother at risk, etc. She got back from the Empire at 12am, she didn't leave her fathers office until 3am and didn't get any sleep, it was now 8am and she had been up all night/early morning. She couldn't go against the Antarctic Empire, she wouldn't let herself, she could try and persuade her father but that was unlikely. She ran her hands down her face then placed her hands on the desk, pushing herself off it as she stood, she wore black pants and a white tunic, along with brown boots. She tied her sword around her waist and left her room, she waved to the maids and other workers as she passed them but aside from that, she ignored everyone and stormed out. She headed to the castle stables, walking to her horse, she tacked him up and set out towards the Antarctic Empire.

♕ - ⍟ - ♕

She had some cuts from bottle glass on her hands which hurt her when she held reins, she had a few on her face and a few others scattered along her body. She had hidden most of them but if anyone were to ask her what had happened she'd come up with something believable.
Elaine stopped at a bakery on the way that she knew her younger brother enjoyed the pastries from and continued her journey, of course she picked up some more for the royals of the empire to keep herself on their good side. As she traveled a peregrine had stopped to join them on their journey, placing itself atop of Elaine's shoulder, she didn't mind much, in fact she had quite a pleasant conversation with it, much like the King of the Antarctic, she too could talk to birds, however she could only talk to Peregrines, just like how PhilZA could only talk to crows.
She arrived soon after and dismounted, she held the reins of her horse and explained her situation to one of the guards waiting at the door, she was soon let in and her horse was taken from her, strangely enough she still had the bird on her shoulder.

♕ - ⍟ - ♕

Elaine had located the king first, who seemed very happy to see her, he fussed over the Peregrine in a similar way someone would with a puppy, she looked at the king with an amused look on her face as she placed the pastries she had gotten for him next to the throne.
"I hope Toby wasn't too much trouble Your Majesty."
"Please, just call me Phil. And no he wasn't, he actually helped the workers to lay out the table this morning for breakfast."
She felt a smile pull at her lips as she nodded. "Yes well, we do things very differently back home.."
"You must let my sons visit, after all it would only be proper seeing as Toby stayed here."
"I don't think that's a good idea Yo-.. Phil, As you know my father isn't exactly the nicest or most liked man, he hates this Empire.. he thinks it stole everything from him when that's really not the case.." she sighed softly, rubbing her arm.
"Anyway, enough depressing talk, where did you say Toby was again?"
"He's out in the gardens with his friends."
"Thank you.. Phil, for letting him stay."

♕ - ⍟ - ♕

Elaine wandered the corridors, trying to remember the path she took with Techno the night previous, after a while of walking she felt a hand clutch her arm, which she responded to by turning around and punching the person who had touched her, seeing blistering red eyes soon tower over her. "Techno!? You idiot, why would you grab me!!"
"Why would you punch me!?"
"Well I didn't know it was you, you just appeared behind me and grabbed me!!"
"You've got a strong punch.."
The two stared at eachother for a while until Elaine nodded and continued making her way to the gardens.
"I'm assuming your here for your brother?"
"Well I'm not here for anybody else."
"Speaking of your brother, I never knew he had horns."
Elaine stopped walking and froze, turning to face him.
"Your brother? Toby? He's got horns?"
She clenched her fist together as she turned back around, now storming to the gardens. They weren't supposed to show people they could do that, it gave them a bad rep, it made them more like their father, it showed that they had powers of a sort and that's not something outsiders are meant to know, gods when she got his hands on him she'd kill him, she'd told him so many times and ofcourse the one time she doesn't remind him, he goes and does something stupid!
"Princess, it's not that big of a deal, Tommy said it was 'cool'"
"Well it's not 'cool', you wouldn't understand it, I just need to find him and go home."
"How are you getting home?"
"I came on a horse."
"Anddd.. where's Toby's horse?"
"..we'll just take the same one."
"that wasn't your actual plan, was it?"
"stop pestering me! I'm not telling you anything about myself
or my family Blade, so stop trying."
The girl stormed off, leaving the pink haired prince standing around in the corridor, he'd continue to follow her, but he'd keep his distance. Things had just gotten interesting, he wasn't just going to walk and act like nothing happened!

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