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The couple had gotten out of the bath an hour ago and sorted themselves out, making sure they looked appropriate for when the two boys returned. "You reckon they found anything? They've been gone a while." She questioned, turning to look at Techno was sat on the sofa. "No idea.. probably Tommy picking up everything he sees and going 'woahh that's so cool'" the two laughed at his horrible impression of his younger brother, sitting in comfortable silence as the wind blew outside.
However that silence didn't last for long, the door soon burst open to see the young boy looking panicked. "Tommy? Are you okay? Where's Phil?" Elaine stood, rushing to the young boy, she placed a hand at the back of his head, bringing him in for a hug. "I- we.. we were just out looking for things and then.. we were intercepted by.. by people wearing all black.. I've got away but Phil's still in the forests with them.." She continued to gently stroke the back of Tommy's head as she gave Techno a worried look. "Alright Tommy, listen carefully.. your going to stay here with Techno and I'm going to help your dad.."
"El you aren't going out there." Her eyes narrowed as the words came from her boyfriends mouth.
"Tech your stronger than me.. you need to protect Tom.." The man scoffed and reached a hand out, Tommy going over to him. "If we're not back in 15 minutes, then you can come and look for us.."
"El you're wanted by the town.. this is dangerous."
"I'll be okay, besides if it's the townspeople.. I think I deserve at least a little revenge?" She smiled and grabbed her new cape, throwing it over head shoulders, she placed her sword into its sheath and walked out the door. Mounting her horse as they darted in Phil's direction.

"You are so down bad." Tommy looked at his brother who's face was red. "Shut up." He grumbled and walked outside, sitting and watching.

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Elaine quite quickly reached Phil and saw him with 3 individuals. She dismounted her horse and ran over, jumping on the back of one, pressing her sword against his neck and leaning backwards. "Why are you here?!" She heard the older man shout and she scoffed a little. "Because I am!!" The man she held onto soon passed out from lack of oxygen, she jumped off him as he fell and moved to another.. needless to say they were all trained very well in combat.. they blocked almost every hit, dodged every blow.. "Who are these guys..?" She looked to Phil who just shrugged, she regretted letting her guard down as she was caught on the leg, getting a pretty large gash which bled quickly. "We want one thing, and one thing only." She glanced at the person she was fighting and raised a brow. "And what's that?"
"Technoblade. We know he's hiding TommyInnit, TommyInnit is a criminal who we've been sent to collect, however if you won't surrender Tommy, we'll happily accept Technoblade." With that, her eyes went wide, these guys were working for the town.. for dream.. for toby..
"That's not happening so I suggest you head back home to Dream and let him know that."
"Oh I'm sure he'd be very happy to know your still alive and kicking princess." Her eyes rolled at that comment as she stared at the man, she couldn't make out who it was and it frustrated her. "What's it going to be? Surrender the boys or die." She opened her mouth to speak before an arrow whizzed past her head, sticking into the chest of the man infront of her. She turned to where the arrow came from, seeing Techno and Tommy. "He insisted we come.." Tommy grumbled as he walked over to Elaine. "We weren't that long were we?" She whispered to the blonde who shook his head. "Let's go home then and fill you in on what's going on."

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The four of them sat in the basement, Phil had explained what was going on as Elaine patched him up, they were now trying to come up with a plan.. "We can't stay here! We're gonna have to move, they know where we live and that we're all together!" Tommy raised his voice, looking at his dad who was about to disagree. "No he's got a point.. we're like sitting ducks just waiting to be attacked again, we need to make the first move, something to scare them off for a while.." Techno's eyes lit up as he looked at his girlfriend, the two sharing a look before smiling. "TNT." The two spoke at the same time. "What?" Phil looked at Techno for an explanation which he happily gave. "We can create canons and fire TNT into the town.. scare off the citizens and the people in charge. They'll have to focus on rebuilding that they won't have time to be thinking of us." Phil nodded along, liking the plan but the younger obviously looked a bit unsure. "What if we hurt people.. I don't wanna hurt people who don't deserve it." Elaine smiled softly and walked over to him, squatting infront of him. "Did you deserve your exile? The things he did to you?" Tommy shook his head as he looked at her. "Sometimes the wrong people get caught up in things they aren't supposed too.." he nodded and sighed a bit. "Alright.."
"It's decided then; Tech, El.. get to work on those canons. Tommy, come help me make food."

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They spent the rest of the evening creating TNT, Techno had crafted 6 canons to put at each side of the city and Elaine very carefully crafted the TNT, the only break they had was when Phil called them to eat.. and even then they barely ate anything. "You really think this is going to work..?" She looked up at her boyfriend who, may she add, looked very attractive right now.. his shirt buttons half undone and sweat dripping down him and.. "Yeah, this'll work. I'd be amazed if it didn't, after all we came up with the idea." He chuckled, smiling a little. "Second guessing?"
"Yeah I guess.. I mean Tommy's right.. we're gonna be hurting a lot of innocents.." She walked over to Techno who had his arms open, she sat on his lap as he hugged her, rubbing her back. "there's no other way we can do this El.. we need the time this is going to give us.."
"I know, it's just.. those were supposed to be the people I protect and now..?" She sighed and snuggled her face into her partners neck. Techno couldn't think of any advice.. nothing.. so he just held her for a while until she fell asleep which surprisingly didn't take very long. He stood with her in his arms and carried her to their bedroom, changing her quickly and tucking her in. He sat on the end of their bed as he thought about how things were going to go tomorrow..

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