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3 years had passed and she heard nothing from anyone, Elaine lived alone in her faraway cottage in the middle of nowhere, occasionally she would visit Manberg or L'manberg now to see what had changed, she was right when she told Toby he would be a...

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3 years had passed and she heard nothing from anyone, Elaine lived alone in her faraway cottage in the middle of nowhere, occasionally she would visit Manberg or L'manberg now to see what had changed, she was right when she told Toby he would be a good ruler but she never knew how much of a pushover he could be.. although he had the title, Quackity seemed to rule beside him with an iron fist making all the decisions, they had given the castle to the public after getting rid of all the important and private information from it, the castle workers were still employed but only to clean around the place as people began to move into the large building. It got lonely sometimes she had to admit but she'd come so far with what she wanted to learn and was so close to mastering it, she'd go home, eventually just not yet: A place she hadn't visited was the Antarctic, apparently things had gone downhill there, much like how she had left her castle, the eldest prince had done the same but only as of recent, the youngest prince had gone to help Toby and live with his friend but something seemed wrong with that situation. Philza was left to rule alone.. that was until he passed kingship to a member of staff he trusted, Eret. Philza was able to enjoy his retirement and glide across the country, seeing new things without worrying for his country any longer..

The woman sighed as she reminisced, her feet dangling in the water of the small stream outside of her house, she should try and see people, reconnect, but what would they say about her being gone so long.. would they look down on her? She stood up with a huff and stretched, going off to attend to her animals, she lived a healthy lifestyle currently, she had a group of farm animals and a patch of land for her vegetables, she never had to journey into the towns for things she may need, she made everything herself. "Ches!"
The woman hollered into the field, a chestnut Dutch warmblood trotting over to her. "Hey Chester.. fancy a little checkup on L'manberg?" The horse huffed in response which made her chuckle, she opened up the gate as the horse followed her and she tacked him up, mounting him instantly, she'd worn an outfit she made herself today, as well as long black boots. The outfit consisted of a black tunic paired with an emerald green corset & a cape with fur lining that matched and black trousers with her sword in a sheath. She set off instantly and took her usual monthly trail, they encountered different wildlife, one being a little red fox which followed them for about 15 minutes, a crow had found them on sat on top of her head, which was odd as she was used to it being a peregrine, not a different type of bird. Elaine soon approached the walls and slowed to a walk, pulling her hood up over her head as she wandered along the outskirts, she walked towards the castle where she could see her brother, Tommy, Quackity and.. a masked man?

"Tubbo! Tubs, Toby.. you can't be serious, your going to exile me?"
"What other choice do I have Tommy? You're unreliable and unpredictable."
"Toby, this wasn't part of the plan."
"Yeah well plans change Quackity, and Tommy needs to be punished, right Dream?"

The masked man nodded and she squinted as she looked at him. That name, it was so familiar.. so is his appearance..

"So it's decided, Tommy, you are here by exiled from L'manberg, Dream, will you escort him?"
"Of Course. You made the right choice Toby."
Elaine watched as the man named Dream took hold of Tommy's wrist and began dragging him away, Toby stormed back inside the castle and Quackity headed towards the town. She dismounted Chester and tied him to the castle as she followed Toby from a distance, she listened to him mumbling to himself as he turned a corner and walked to his bedroom, she stood outside and listened as he threw things around his room, yelling in aggravation. She pressed her hand to the door, about to open it but decided against it and sighed, walking back out of the castle. He'd figure it out.. he always did, he's a smart kid, she was certain he'd made the right decision..
"Ches! Chester! Ches?"
She looked around, trying to find her horse, seeing a man walking away holding him. "Hey! That's my horse!"
"5 gold, you can get him back."
"Excuse you!?"
"You heard me."
"Who do you think you are? That's my horse!"
Chester went up on his back feet, scaring the man as he returned to his owners side, she mounted him and quickly headed off, a group of men now chasing them. "Great, nice going Chester!"
The horse whinnied at her as if to object to what she said.
"Okay fine, fair enough, my fault for leaving you there..!"
The woman rolled her eyes as the stallion raced through the forest, hoping to lose them once they reached the bridge that goes over the lake, ending up back at their house soon after. She sighed as she dismounted the horse, tugging the saddle off of him, dumping it on the floor, she began to pull off the bridle, that was until an arrow whizzed past her face, she turned to see where it had come from, the man who took Chester in the first place.
Why would you really take the time to follow me all the way out here..
She pulled out her sword and walked over to the man, she kicked his legs from under him, he dropped his bow but held an arrow, plunging it into her arm, blood splattering onto her face, she looked at her arm then at the man, grabbing her sword she stood on the man's chest, raising it.
"Okay! Okay, I'll leave.. don't hurt me."
She huffed and stared at him for a moment before getting off of him, watching him run off.
"You okay Ches?" Elaine stood tall and removed the horses bridle, letting him run off into the field.

She wandered over to her door, seeing that it wasn't locked anymore, she definitely locked it when she left.. she walked into the house quietly and kept a grip on her sword, looking around, that was until she heard things falling over, she rushed to where the sound was to see a tall figure, hidden by a cape, without a thought she tackled the figure to the ground, pinning them as she kneeled above them, she stared at the figure for a moment, neither saying anything.


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