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"Where is he?"
She laughed gently, pointing to the painting as the young blonde pushed it aside, waving at him.

Dream had left about half an hour ago, everyone seemed to have calmed down and gone back to normal. Tommy was sat in the living room doodling, Phil was making food & Techno was outside keeping watch as it clearly wasn't very safe anymore. Elaine had remained downstairs, clearing out some more, mainly keeping herself occupied due to the previous situation having her still very worried. "Elaine..?" She lifted her head up from the desk, looking to where the voice came from. "Oh, Hi Phil. Are you okay?" She smiled softly, stretching a bit to give him her full attention. "I'm okay, I think Techno could do with someone swapping with him. I'd do it but I'm cooking.. Tommy offered but, that wouldn't make much sense." He chuckled softly which she smiled at. "Tell him to come inside, I'll be up in a moment." Phil nodded and left the room, she listened to his footsteps as she sighed softly, picking up her cape as she threw it over herself. She placed a sword into the sheath that rested on her hips just incase and headed upstairs. She wandered into the living room, seeing the three boys. She ruffled Tommys hair as she walked over to Phil, having a look at what he was cooking. "Save me some yeah?" "Course." She smiled and bumped him lightly with her hip. She looked to Techno who gave her a gentle smile which she returned with a small nod before heading out the front door.

She sighed as the cold breeze hit her in the face, she sat over by one of the small paddocks for an hour before growing bored and deciding to walk around the area, nothing but snow, trees, mountains and.. "what's that..?" She murmured to herself as she watched something dash between hedges, her hand slowly reaching for sword as she stared at the area, waiting to see if something ran towards her, after 10 minutes of waiting she shrugged it off and began walking back towards the house, mumbling to herself and blaming it on how tired she was. She stumbled over to the door, opening it up as she yawned quietly. "You find anything?" She looked to Tommy who was looking at her quite worried but seemed to settle as she shook her, best not say that she thought she saw something, probably best to keep it to herself. "No, there was nothing, just some pretty mountains." The blonde chuckled and went back to his drawing, occasionally eating the food that was now out. "Make sure you eat Tom." She gave the young boy a stern look, removing her cape as she hung it by the door.
"Yours is over there El."
"Thank you Phil, I'm just going to wash quickly, if you don't mind?"
"Go ahead." She nodded and headed upstairs, hearing some talk going on downstairs, followed by footsteps.

"Hey.." She turned to the bathroom door, smiling gently. "Hi Tech.." the man shut the door behind him as he stepped in, watching as she began to brush her hair. (She has clothes on I promise) "Are you feeling okay?" She hummed at the question, ignoring it, that was until she felt him grab her upper arm, she turned to look at him. "Talk to me El." "I'm fine Techno.. I promise." She took hold of the hand that rested on her arm, taking it in her hand as she kissed it softly, looking up at him. "I know your lying."
She rolled her eyes as she began to unbutton her shirt, watching Techno's eyes as his gaze followed her hands, she cleared her throat, raising a brow. "God, Sorry.. um.." She shook her head as she laughed at him, she turned away from him as she took off her shirt, her hair falling nicely down her back. "I can feel you staring at me T.." The pinkette turned to look at the wall, crossing his arms as his face turned the same colour as his hair. "Could join me you know.. I'm sure you stink, I don't even remember the last time you showered."
"No.. No I better not.. um.. I'll go and heat your food for you"
She smiled to herself, looking down. "Thank you." She heard the door open and close, she stripped off fully and switched on the shower, looking at herself in the mirror. She looked to the door, quietly whispering to herself. "5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1.." The pinkette opened the door again and shut it behind him, staring at her as she laughed at him. "Knew you'd change your mind."
"Shut up.." he grumbled as he removed his shirt, Elaine got into the shower, letting the warm water soak into her skin. She ran her hands through her hair and down her shoulders before feeling a hand touch her upper arm. She turned to face him, smiling up at him. "This is nice.."
"Mm.. That Dream thing really had me worried.. I mean, obviously you knew my thoughts of what could have happened before but.. I didn't expect him to find us so soon and.. hm?" She stopped her rambling as the man placed her a hand on her cheek, looking at her with a gentle smile. "Want me to wash your hair?" She let out a soft laugh, rolling her eyes as she turned away from him, nodding her head. She felt the man's hands in her hair as the smell of shampoo filled the air. "I saw something out there T.. it was fast but I don't know what it was.." she spoke quietly, showing her uncertainty. "Well what did it look like?"
"That's the thing.. I don't know, it was just shadowy and it moved so quick.. I was going to follow it but, I don't think it's worth the risk, not with everything we've got going on." She heard hums come from the man as he carefully rinsed her hair out. "But then again it could just be because I'm tired.." she continued to ramble before a finger was placed on her lips. "Please stop talking." The couple chuckled softly as he rinsed the rest of the shampoo out of her hair, conditioning the bottom of it. "Thank you.. this is really nice Tech.."
He could feel his face burn, he loved being around her, there was no one else he'd rather be with. "El.. what are we..? You know, as in, what are we doing with ourselves. What do we tell people when they ask..?" He grumbled, looking away from her, that was until she placed a hand on his cheek, turning him to look at her. "We can be whatever you want us to be, but we have bigger priorities, yeah?" He nodded, smiling at her. She loved his smile, he had sharp teeth which peeked over his bottom teeth, her gaze flicked back to his eyes which were looking at her lips. "I'm gonna kiss you.. is that okay?" She whispered, still looking into his eyes, he closed the small gap between them and they fit together like pieces of a puzzle.. this is the way it was meant to be.. this is what they'd both wanted for so long. They held the kiss for a while before she pulled away. The water had gone cold and it was probably about time they got out anyways.. the pinkette quickly washed off his hair and switched the water off, the redhead had already stepped out and wrapped a towel around herself, holding one out for the man. "I'll meet you back up here? I'm just going to get my food." The man nodded and watched as she left the bathroom to get dressed.

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