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Elaine groaned at the bright light that shone through the window, she buried her face in her arms, the man next to her stirring ever so slightly

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Elaine groaned at the bright light that shone through the window, she buried her face in her arms, the man next to her stirring ever so slightly. "Mornin' El.."
"Morning Tech" she sighed softly, taking her arms away from her face, turning to look at him with a gentle smile.
"You still going to find Tommy?"
"Yeah.. I'll check on Toby on my way home."
"Are you gonna be okay?"
"I usually visit Toby every month, I've not had any problems."
"Do you want me to tend to anything while I'm here?"
"If you could tend to the animals? That would be great.."
She nodded as she got out of the bed, yawning quietly, stretching her arms out. "You want breakfast?"
"I'm not hungry right now, I'll make something later.."
She wandered over to her wardrobe and pulled out some clothing, taking them into the bathroom to get dressed.

She changed and brushed her hair through, tying half of it up, sighing gently as she wandered back into the bedroom, placing her nightdress at the end of the bed

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She changed and brushed her hair through, tying half of it up, sighing gently as she wandered back into the bedroom, placing her nightdress at the end of the bed. "I'll be back by the evening, if I'm not, uhh.. I don't know."
"I'll come look for you."
"Alright, don't destroy my- uh- our house..?"
"I won't."
She smiled and nodded her head towards him, she grabbed her sword as she put in her sheath, walking downstairs. She left the house and walked over to the paddock. "Come on Ches!" The horse came trotting over to her as she opened the gate, closing it behind him. She slid his saddle onto him and pulled his bridle over his head, jumping onto his back. Heading towards L'manberg.

♕ - ⍟ - ♕

Elaine sat on top of a hill, watching the situation go down. Tommy walking around looking like he was preparing for something, that was until the familiar masked man walked through obsidian portal. "Tommy! My friend, how are you?"
"I've been better Dream.. it's cold out here and the tnret is just not working out.."
"That's a shame, well, I'll be on my way but here's some food to keep you going."
"Dream when can I go and visit everyone? Toby said I'd be able to visit."
"It's not even been a week Tommy, I don't think they want you there."
"Can you.. at least ask? I mean don't get me wrong, it's great seeing you everyday but.. it's not the same.."
"Mhm, okay, bye Tommy."
"bye dream.."

The masked man placed a chest full of supplies on the ground infront of the boy then stepped into the portal, disappearing. She sighed softly as she made her way towards him, she swallowed hard before speaking up. "Tommy?"
"Yeah.. Hi.." she laughed a little, waving a bit.
"Wow..! How did you find me here?" He ran over to her, hugging her.
"I uh.. that parts not important, how're you keeping?"
She placed a hand on either side of his face, inspecting him.
"I'm alright, it's just lonely out here."
"I'll do my best to visit you at least weekly, if you would like?"
"Yes! That would be great!"
"Do you know when your exile ends?"
"Not a clue.."
"Okay.. Tommy I can't stay long but here, take these, write to me, I'll write back. Stay safe kiddo." She handed the boy scrolls of paper and smiled a little, ruffling his head.
"Thank you El."

She waved and hopped through the portal dream had gone through, what was he up too.. there was no way he wanted to just give Tommy things, he's not that nice. She snuck around the nether until she managed to catch up to him, he just seemed to be going back through another portal, she waited around for a moment before following him. She looked around just to make sure he wasn't waiting around and quickly pulled her hood up, she pulled out a bit of paper and quickly wrote on it, sending it back to her house to let Techno what was going on. "What did you want me to do Sapnap? Just let him keep causing chaos?"
"No! Dream! I just don't see why this was what you came up with!"
"And I suppose you have a better plan?"
The two men fell silent before the masked one spoke up again. "That's what I thought, now, do you know where Sam is, I need to speak to him."
"He left to go to the prison not too long ago, I can imagine he's still there."
She watched as the man nodded and pulled a horse along, mounting it as he set off toward the prison, once again she waited for a moment before whistling for her own companion. "Follow him Chester.. Hey Solo..! Nice timing, can you follow him from the skies?" The peregrine chirped as it took to the skies, flying ahead of them, just above where Dream was.

♕ - ⍟ - ♕

She slowed as she reached the prison, coming to a halt as she dismounted, walking to some worn fencing, leaving Chester there. "Solo, try get in the building, take this." The woman threw a dark orb at the bird, she would be able to hear what was going on inside the prison, sort of like a walkie talkie system. The bird swooped up before going straight into the building, Elaine rummaged for her orb and put it in her ear, leaning up against a tree.

"No! Sam, listen. I've got him away from Toby, that's what I needed to do. I need to earn his trust so I need you to make sure nobody is visiting him, he's exiled, gone. There's no need for him to be thrown into your prison, yet. I've got a plan but both me and you need to stay quiet until that time comes. You don't serve Manberg anymore, the country is gone. Same with the Antarctic, it's gone. It's a case of relying on people, not on countries."
"Dream, I want nothing to do with this, I suggest that you leave. Im all for punishing wrong-doers but you have shown me no evidence that Tommy has done any wrong, now I will forget what you've said to me if you take your chance to leave within the next 10 seconds, starting now."
The masked man huffed and stormed out of the prison, trudging over to his horse.

"I know your there."
Her head whipped around as she heard a voice behind her.
"Your bird."
"Hello Dream."
She stood, facing the man, her hood still over her head.
"What do I owe the pleasure."
"Hm, I wouldn't call it that. However I'll be on my way."
"No! Stay, how are you? You've been gone for ages."
"I'm fine, I intend to stay gone for a longer time than this so if you have nothing important to share then I'll be leaving."
She turned her back on him and began walking away, her horse catching up to her and walking at her side, the bird landing on the stallions head.
"Where are you going?"
"To visit my brother, then I'm going home."
"Let me accompany you!"
"Dream. I know what your up too, I have nothing to do with it  and don't intend to, walk along."
"How would you brother feel if I told him you were alive, he thinks your dead you know?"

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