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"Please? You need to tell them what's happened

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"Please? You need to tell them what's happened."
tw: mentions of injury

♕ - ⍟ - ♕

The redhead sat in a cell, the arrow had since been removed and patched up but it still hurt, a lot actually. She had handcuffs on her wrists still, pacing back and forth as her eyes continued to burn. What was going to happen.. The whole plan, everything they'd worked for had been ruined because she'd been foolish.. what was she thinking?  Techno's going to be so upset with her. She was going to see her brother after.. 3 years..? Her brother who had convinced himself she was dead. Her brother who-
"Elaine?" She quickly looked over to the voice.
"I'm sorry.. I just.."
"Why would you do that, how could you do that?"
"El I had no choice.."
"You had every choice! Only you can make your own choices.. go away Alex.. please." She slumped down the cell wall, bringing her legs to her chest.
"El.. Dream's coming here.."
"Dream and Toby work together.. Dream has complete control over him.. Toby told him your here and he's on his way, I just.. wanted to warn you." He bowed at her slightly and left and then the panic set in.. Dream was coming here, to see her, she had sent Phil to get the others to help her.. that meant that she'd fallen into some sort of game. How did this happen..

♕ - ⍟ - ♕

It was now the next morning, she had been stuck in the cell all night on her own, no food, no water and no conversation. Why hadn't Toby come to speak to her.. why hasn't anyone come to speak to her..? "Elaine, your wanted outside." She heard the familiar voice of Quackity and she stumbled to her feet. "They're going to put you on trial.. for treason. You remember how that trial goes don't you..?" Her eyes filled with panic as she stared at him and nodded slowly. "I'll walk you there.. just know that I never meant for this to happen.."
"I wouldn't be here if you didn't say anything Alex.. this is your fault.." she mumbled as he dragged her by the chains of the cuffs. "It's my job Elaine. If I don't say anything then someone else will and then.. well.." she hummed and looked at her cuffs, the boys would be here now.. they had enough time to be here now.. she wanted to go home.. she wanted.. Techno, she wanted to feel safe, the same way she did when she was with him.. where was he?
"Put her down Alex." She snapped out of her thoughts as she looked up. "Dream?"
"Toby's asked that I take it from here, he's asked for you to stand with the others." She looked at Alex and shook her head, mouthing 'Dont let him take me'
"Dream I think it'd be better if I stay with her.. old times sake?"
"No." The masked man grabbed her chains and dragged her off, she smiled softly at Quackity as a 'thanks for trying'

"Where are they then El, hm? Where are the others?"
"I have no idea."
"That's a lie."
"No honestly, I have no idea, I've been in a cell all night, how am I gonna know?"
"You are such a difficult woman." She scoffed, looking at him. "Heard that before."
"Hm, doesn't surprise me. You know you're too pretty to be causing these kinds of problems."
"What problems? You caused this, you can't leave me alone." She felt the chains be tugged as she stumbled forward. "Are you seriously talking back to me? I'm draining your magic as we speak, I won't hesitate to hurt you and I sure as shit have no problems in telling your brother to kill you." She held her breath and ignored him. "Answer me Elaine." The chains were tugged once again and she breathed out. "No."

♕ - ⍟ - ♕

She was taken outside sometime after 12pm, she had bruises, scars and burns all over her body, her clothes had been ripped and techno's cape was nowhere to be found. She was chained with her arms above her head, her skin paler than ever as her eyes were stained with tears yet her face held a blank expression. No one's coming for me.. they're staying safe and staying home.. this is the end of me.. she repeated over in her head as Dream spoke about what she had done, where she had been and more importantly what was going to happen. "Tell them it's true Elaine. Tell the people who once looked up to you what you did."
"I didn't do anything.."
"Tell them! You poisoned your father."
"What?!" She turned to him, whimpering as it ached. "I didn't do that, I would never do that!!"
"You and him never got along, it's a coincidence that the day you have the biggest argument with him, the day you ask him what happens when he's gone, he died, from poison." She stared at him, it made sense.. the more she studied him, she compared him to the man who gave her father the drink that evening. "It was you.." she whispered.
"Speak up!"
"Where's my brother, I don't want to speak to you anymore.."
"Fine, if that's what you want.."

The crowd of people that were gathered around gasped as he walked out, standing where Dream stood as he looked at her. "Elaine.."
"Tobes.. I'm so sorry.. I'm sorry I never meant to leave you for so long.. im sorry I never contacted you.. I-"
"Save it.. Dream, cloth her please." A large wad of cloth was forced into her mouth with two ends of rope that tied to the back of her head so she couldn't speak.
"Elaine Schlatt will receive the correct punishment for the problems she has caused: treason, theft, assault and stalking. It has come to my attention that she was in town frequently in the last 3 years, watching my every move and mingling amongst the citizens." She tried to yell in protest, scream, move, something but she couldn't do anything, she felt tears slide down her face as she looked around for a sign of someone. "She will be executed, she has teamed with very dangerous individuals and smuggled people that will not be named.. if there is nothing else to be said by the citizens." A man stepped up towards a rope with an axe in hand, she looked to where the rope lead and saw an anvil above her, they were going to drop it on her, she continued to look around in a panic before noticing a bright pink flash through the crowd. He's here..
She turned to face her brother, staring at him as she listened to the ropes snap. She saw the pink haired man from the corner of her eye before the axeman was shoved out of the way before the last rope was cut. He took the axe and smashed it against the chains that held her and quickly picked her up, he ender-pearled a distance away and the calamity and shouts of crowds could be heard..

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