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The 6 Months swiftly passed by, her bump had grown, she was ready to burst anytime and the 2 men had come up with what seemed like a successful plan, however they weren't letting her know about it, they knew that if she knew about it she'd try and take part and even though it killed Techno spending so much time away from her and not having her ideas, it was for the best.. Kristin came to visit every 2 weeks, so she didn't feel totally alone but her life did begin to get lonely, the boys were so busy but part of that was her fault. She stood in her bedroom, looking at herself in mirror on the dressing table as she breathed out. The house was quiet, no one was home, it was eerie in a way, the sun hadn't long come up so it was weird for no one to be home. It had her wondering what they were up too. She sauntered down the stairs and cooked up some breakfast, Phil had recently gifted her a record player and she had found lots of favourites, she put one of the records on as she ate, it made the house feel less lonely..

The familiar white wolf who Techno had named 'Prime' for some.. reason that she didn't understand had gotten used to living in the house with them, he'd become a lot more domesticated and affectionate, so much so that he spent a lot of the time plodding around the house and keeping Elaine company. "Wanna go outside?" She turned to the canine who made a small woof in response, she stood up as she placed her dish in the sink, wandering outside as she looked for a stick to throw, after finding a fairly decent sized one they wandered away from the house to a more open area, she sat on a log and threw the stick, the wolf fetching it back each time.. they played a while before Elaine found herself in autopilot, she zoned out, staring off into the forest as her mind fogged, thinking about things that happened in the past, good and bad. She was able to recall her thoughts so in depth that she could picture herself there, she did this often when something went wrong, she'd go back and see how she could fix it.. (if you want to picture things and feel like your in a movie, listen to: The Secret History - The Chamber Orchestra of London) that being said, she was currently focused on the time that Tommy left them.. no matter how many times she recalled it, nothing changed, nothing could have been done; but that didn't sit right, something could have been, she just couldn't find it.. or rather, it couldn't find her. As she sat in her thoughts, rummaging came from within the forest, the canine becoming alert to the noise while she stayed deep in her own world, as rummages came closer, the wolf got closer to his person, wanting to protect her.. these sounds intervened with her thoughts and it stopped her from snapping out of them so easily.. but something like a slap? That would do it.. and that was what she felt, well.. more like an arrow than a slap, she looked down to her arm where the sharp object stuck out and she glanced up, her gaze rapidly searching for something that couldn't be seen. She fumbled around in her pockets, taking out a walkie talkie as she switched onto Techno's channel.. "Techno!! Techno!?" There was nothing, she ran into the house which wasn't an easy thing to do when pregnant.. "Elaine? Are you okay?" She halted at the sound of her partner, slamming the nursery door shut as her breath shuddered. "I need you to come home.. theres someone here.. t-theres an arrow.. in my arm and.." a bang came from downstairs, things were being thrown around and she could hear damage being done, her eyes began to burn.. a feeling she was getting used too. "El.. Hang on, We're 10 Minutes away.." She switched off of his channel and held her breath. She sat with the canines head on her lap, petting him softly with one hand while the other rested on her bump, she'd leave the arrow for Phil to do, it hurt less when it was in if she was being truthful..

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Minutes passed but they felt more like hours, she held her breath and stayed quiet while she listened to things be destroyed, talking and then more things being destroyed or moved. Who was here.. who found them.. more importantly, what did they want? She glanced at the clock.. exactly 10 minutes had passed, and sure enough.. she heard the sound of 2 familiar men and one familiar woman. She covered her ears as she moved away from the door, sitting against the window seat Techno had made. She tucked her legs up to her chest and covered her her head/ears. This felt familiar.. suddenly she felt 9 again, hiding from her father.. as she sat staring at the door that became a blur, she drowned out any noise that came from below her, she winced as aches and pains came from her stomach, that mixing with the arrow still in her arm. After a few minutes of waiting, the door flew open to reveal her partner, her head shot up to meet his gaze and she smiled softly, the man however didn't smile, he looked at her with panic and began shouting for his father. What was going on? She felt fine, was she not fine? "Tech..?" She murmured, looking at his pink hair. "Shh... El, you're okay.." She nodded her head slowly, blinking as she saw the blonde enter the room and that was the last she saw before everything went dark.

HUUUUGE filler, my b 🤭

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