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After finding out the news, the trio spent weeks scheming, they made a plan to get Toby to come and meet Tommy, they'd figured out a way to stop Dream all together and also to spill to the people just what it was that Quackity & the rest were trul...

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After finding out the news, the trio spent weeks scheming, they made a plan to get Toby to come and meet Tommy, they'd figured out a way to stop Dream all together and also to spill to the people just what it was that Quackity & the rest were truly like.. Elaine visited Tommy every 2 days and was now preparing to go and visit him again for the last time for a while, Techno had even agreed to come along and say hi to him this time which was a huge relief for her. It was early in the morning when they left so they should arrive just before Dream's daily visit.. The two once heirs were currently racing through the forest toward the young boys

( listen to Fate And Destiny from Brave while reading this, you won't regret it)  "Ohhh I'm so going to beat you Techno!"
"Oh yeah? If you beat me, I'll let you drag me into town!"
"Haha! Your on!" She nudged Chester's sides and raised ahead of him, darting over jumps and using her newly perfected magic (with Phil's help) to manipulate the ground.
"That's cheating!"
"You didn't say there were any rules!"
"Well in that case!" She heard his voice fall silent, the sound of an arrow whizzing past her head filling that silence. "That's just dirty!"
"Sorry princess!"
The two of them laughed as they raced around the forest, calling it a draw as they slowed to a walk not too far away, the two dismounting. "Stay here.." she shushed the horses, going to meet the man who stood on the hill. "Tech? What is it?"
"I don't think we're going to be visiting Tommy anytime soon.."
She stood next to him, her breath hitching at the sight; his house was on fire, his tent was on fire, his table, chests, trees.. everything was exploded or up in flames. "We need to get down there, he could still be here." She slid down the hill, running over to the scene. "Tommy? Tommy!! Hello!? Anybody here!?" She cupped her hands, shouting through them to make herself louder but unfortunately there was no response, she kneeled to the ground, placing her hand on it as the fires dimmed then vanished, she wandered into the ruined house, seeing everything destroyed but one thing; a compass which said 'Your Tubbo - Ghostbur' which she picked up, stumbling over to Techno. "It can't be.." the man mumbled, taking it from her. "We need to take this to Phil, he can search for him from the skies.." and with that, they mounted their horses, racing back to their home and when they got in the general vicinity, Elaine shouted for him, all the way up until she barged through the door. "PHI- woah.." Techno caught up to her, standing behind her with a hand placed on her waist. "What.."

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"So let me get this straight, you didn't think to tell me that Wilbur's ghost had been visiting you.. let alone that he existed!? And you didn't even write to me to tell me that you planned on escaping, what would have happened if it went wrong, if Dream found you! If Sapnap found you! Huh!?" She paced the living room, fingers pushed against the bridge of her nose as she scolded the teenager infront of his Dad and Brother. "I-I was going to tell you I swear I was! I would never lie to you Elaine, I swear! I just couldn't risk Dream intercepting my letters.. so I did the only thing I could think of, make it look like the place had been attacked and run away, I just kept running until it led me here! Please.. believe me.." she looked down at him, resting a hand on her hip as her foot tapped loudly and quickly before she let out a shout of frustration, storming out of the room and into the basement.

techno pov

"You believe me don't you Techno?"
"I believe you, your safe here, she just needs some time to calm down, as long as it's okay with Dad, stay here as long as you need, he'll fill you in on what's going on here."
"Where are you going?"
"After her, one of us needs too.."
"Foods in an hour, don't be late."
He stuck his thumb up as he wandered down the same staircase the woman had, watching as she paced her little office, pulling at fabrics and metals, throwing things across the room, he ducked quickly as a spherical piece of metal was thrown his way, catching the other that was thrown straight after, clearing his throat, watching as her head whipped towards him. "What do you want?"
"You okay?"
"Yes! I'm fine!"
"Are you sure?"
"No! This.. changes the whole plan.. and Ghostbur? I'm surprised you and your dad aren't freaking about this.. I mean your other brother could be back.. Dream's going to go mental when he finds Tommy missing and he's going to come looking for me.. you know that!"
"So what're you going to do about it..?"
"Protect Tommy obviously but.. ugh I don't know.."
"C'mere.." he held his arms open for the woman which she gratefully accepted, the two sliding onto the ground as she sat on his lap, him playing with her hair. "Just calm down, we'll come up with a new plan, better than the last one and it'll work. There's no need to stress so much, you aren't alone in this Elaine.. we're here for you and if we can make it any easier for you, we will.. got it?" She nodded her head against his chest, sighing softly as he pulled her cape over her. "Thank you.. Techno."
"Don't mention it." He pressed his lips softly against her head and rested his own against the wall, the pair of them remaining in the position until they were called for food.

( sort of a filler but I mean, technosoft)

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