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"How would you brother feel if I told him you were alive, he thinks your dead you know?"

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"How would you brother feel if I told him you were alive, he thinks your dead you know?"

♕ - ⍟ - ♕

Elaine froze in her tracks at those words. "He thinks I'm dead?"
"You haven't visited him in the time you've been gone, you didn't even tell him the real reason why you left. What else was he supposed to think?"
She turned around to face him.
"What do you want off me?"
"You have power, that I could use."
"So what're you saying?"
"I'm saying, spare me some.. of your magic, teach me how to use it."
"And you think I'm just going to say yes?"
"Well I was hoping so yes.."
"Not a chance, tell him whatever you want."
  She turned around, grabbing the reins of the horse and walked off in the direction toward L'manberg. "I'll tell him, don't think I won't!"
"Mhm, I believe you." She continued to walk, brushing off whatever the man shouted after her. That definitely wasn't the last of Dream, it wasn't even the beginning..

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She had done a quick look around L'manberg, checking on Toby who was neck deep in paperwork in his bedroom, she he was sat next to a young boy, slightly older than him who goes by the name of Ranboo. They seemed to get along well and she was glad he found someone to comfort him. She was now on her way home and the sun was setting, she'd worn herself out from travelling around everywhere, she had experimented with her new found powers while she was out and was completely exhausted, she was hunched over Chester's neck, sighing softly. Her winged friend had gone back to his home and she couldn't wait to get back to hers. Gods I'm so tired.. Cant believe I have to keep sharing my bed.. well then again, the comfort of having someone with her was quite nice.. she'd be alone for so long it was nice to finally have someone, especially that someone be him.
Her attention turned to the stallion as he stumbled and she slid off him. "You tired Ches?" The horse nodded, grumbling slightly. "We'll be home soon.. just hang in there." They continued to walk side by side, entering the forest where her home lied, the horses ears perked up as he snorted, looking around. "What is it?" She looked around also, hearing some leaves rustling around them as they walked, her hand slowly reaching for her sword. "Who's there? Show yourself..! This better not be some stupid joke Techno.." she mumbled, continuing to walk through the forest, holding onto Chester's reins, the forest fell silent for a moment before she felt a hard thud on her back, she fell forward, hitting the ground, her sword flying forward, Chester spooking. "I goott you.."
Her eyes widened at the voice as she stumbled to stand up, pushing the figure off her. "You followed me."
"Actually, I followed the bird. I can't have my secrets getting out Elaine, I'm sorry."
She stood up, holding her sword as she slowly raised it. "So what are you saying, your going to kill me?" She laughed softly, raising a brow.
"That's exactly what I'm saying." Her eyes widened, staring at him as she stepped back, she can't fight him, she's not well enough, she'd made herself weaker throughout the day.. or had she?
"It was you.. wasn't it, nulling my magic.."
"Clever, I didn't think you'd figure it out."
"I'm not an idiot Dream." As she spoke those words, the trees around her rattled, branches shooting out at her. "Chester, go home!" She watched as the horse bolted, Dream beginning to chase him, she dodged the branches the best she could, chasing after him as she jumped on his back, tackling him to the ground. "I told you Elaine, I can't have my secrets going around, which means Technoblade can't know..!" He grunted, throwing the woman off him and into a tree. She stumbled to stand up, coughing as she held her stomach. She went back in at the man, holding her sword, clashing it with his as sparks flew, she felt herself grow more tired as they fought. "Give in Princess, you can't beat me." She fell to the ground as he swiped her legs, placing a finger under his chin so she faced him. She gripped his wrist, throwing him over her head. "Perhaps not.. but I'd say this was a very unfair fight." The man huffed, standing up while she remained on the ground. "You know what, this could prove useful. I'll leave you be." Elaine let out a breath of relief before letting out a small shout as the masked figure threw a blade at her, piercing her stomach. "Bye Princess." She watched as he ran off towards the towns, she reached for a branch, trying to stand as she held the blade in her stomach, she was losing a lot of blood and quickly, she tore her jacket off, ripping pieces to cover the gashes on her arms and legs as she propped herself against a tree, sighing softly, her eyes slowly shutting.

♕ - ⍟ - ♕

Elaine sat up, breathing heavily and sweating.
"Easy.. your fine.."
"What happened out there, you said you'd be back by evening, this isn't evening! And your injured! What were you thinking!? Oh wait, you weren't."
She narrowed her eyes, staring at him. "Are you saying this is my fault?"
"Well it isn't anybody else's."
"Oh yeah? And it's not my fault that you ended up in my house and being hunted down. At least I had the decency to keep tabs on my family, to visit their brother, make sure everyone was okay! Not blowing stuff up and destroying things because I was bored." She stood, walking over to him as she pushed her finger into his chest. "I didn't plan on bumping into Dream or following him, it was a change in my plan, I didn't think he was going to follow me back, I didn't think he was going to rip my magic from me but he did, sometimes we can't plan things!" She raised her voice, their noses practically touching. Techno stared at her and backed up, she stared back and breathed heavily before taking a step away from him, removing her hand. "I'm sorry.."
"It's okay, I get it."
"No.. you don't get it, you don't know what it's like to be the only person that knows what's going on, the only person who could put an end to things but if there's anything I learnt it's that everything happens for a reason."
She sat down at the end of the bed with her head in her hands, the pink haired man hesitating before sitting down next to her, placing a hand on her back. "It might not mean much, but I'm with you.. whatever you want to do.. whatever you might have planned, I'll be right by your side."

She turned to face him, smiling softly as she rested her head against his shoulder. "It means more than you could imagine Tech.. thank you.."

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