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Her eyes burned.. Tommy had left her, she'd destroyed her home, her brother didn't even want her there..

She arrived home a little bit before the other 2 and put Roman away, she stormed off into the forest to do what made her feel better, throw axes at trees, get some stress out. So that was what she did until she felt better, except she didn't feel better.. at all..
She threw her axe again and watched as the tree fell, she huffed and slid down a tree, sitting on the ground as she felt wet down her face, she breathed heavily as the rested her head against the wood. She'd fix this, the 3 of them would find a way to fix this.. but right now she'd cry it off.. she was allowed to feel her emotions and she knows that..

"Hey.." she looked over to where the voice came from and sniffled, wiping her nose on her sleeve. "Go away.." she mumbled into her arm, staring at her toes.
"El.. It wasn't your fault.."
"We've just done exactly what Dream wanted.. the two boys are together.. you heard what he said.. and it.. it was my plan.." Techno sat down next to her, looking at the tree she had cut down. "It was our plan.. we all agreed on it.."
She turned so her head rested against his shoulder. "If I.. if we can't look after one teenager how am I supposed to take care of.."
"The city?"
"A baby.. Tech.. How am I supposed to be a parent, how are we supposed to parent if we can't keep a teenager safe.."
The man sat forward and looked at her with wide eyes.
"A baby? What do you mean a baby..? Elaine.."
She glanced up at him with glassy eyes, not saying a word. "You can't be serious.." He didn't dare speak any louder than a whisper, she nodded at him slowly. "And you still went out there to defend him.. to stand infront of him and speak for him.. I'd say that's good parent material.." she stared at him as he spoke, a tear sliding down her face. "You aren't mad..?"
"Why would I be mad? The only thing I'm mad about is losing my fighting partner.."
"What? Why would.."
"There is no way I'm letting you fight now that I know this El.. we need to tell Phil and we need to get out of here.."
"What about the boys? We can't just leave them here.."
"We aren't leaving them, but we need to focus on ourselves for a bit.."

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After breaking the news to Phil, they agreed that they would move. They began packing up the things they needed and began to move out, they travelled for hours and camped.. and then travelled.. it kept that way for a few days until they were comfortable enough that they were far enough away. They had then began building a new home, one that would hopefully be their forever home and they wouldn't have to move again. Elaine had done all the blueprints and helped with the decorating but she let the two men build the place, mainly because Techno wouldn't let her. Pregnancy worked differently in this world, instead of 9 months, it's 6, which meant that things moved faster and pain would be worse.. however she was okay, for now, but she had been reading up on it and gods was she dreading it..

( ^ that's the new house, but imagine the garage as stables instead ^ )

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( ^ that's the new house, but imagine the garage as stables instead ^ )

The house had just been finished up and she was now sitting outside, they lived in a field that was surrounded by forest. That was the way she liked it.. secluded and pretty..
She sat on a log as she watched the wildlife pass by, a deer coming over to sniff her before walking off. "Elaine?"
She turned to look at the front door, seeing Phil walk out. "How're you feeling?" She smiled, moving up so he could sit next to her. "I'm better.. a lot better now that I know what's going on.. you guys promise you'll check on them?"
"We'll do the best we can.. and we'll report back to you everytime.. but in the meantime, there's someone here you might want to meet.." He stood up, offering her his hand which she took as she stood up, following him inside the house. "Elaine.. this, is Kristin, my wife.. Techno, Tommy and Wilbur's mother.." She froze, staring at the woman with a smile. "Phil sent a letter.. he thought you'd like to see me.." She nodded, taking her by the hand and up to the nursery they had created for the baby on the way. "So you're really having a baby..?"
"I am.. this wasn't at all in my plan.."
"Babies usually aren't, the boys certainly weren't but don't tell them that.." She laughed softly, watching as the older woman wandered around the nursery. "Your mum would be proud of you.."
"You knew my mother?" She sat back on a stool, looking at her. "Your mother and I were friends.. that was until your father came along and ruined things with his ways.." Elaine nodded along with her words, clearly invested in what she had to say. "She was so excited when you were born.. she always wanted her first little one to be a girl.. I was she could see you now.." She felt two hands land either side of her face and smiled a bit as she looked at the older woman who held her. "I love my boys but I always wanted a girl." She let out a breath before Elaine spoke up in a whisper. "I always wanted a mother.." the two looked at eachother with soft expressions before Techno burst through the door, holding up tiny clothes. "Honey! Look what I ma-.." he cleared his through, trying to sound formal. "Mother.. I.. didn't know you were here." The two women laughed, watching as the men hid the clothing behind his back. "Hi Son.. I'll leave you two be.."

His mother stood and walked out of the room, leaving the two together. "Show me what you made then" she watched as a big smile came over his face, showing her the clothing. "I did this by myself.. do you like it?" She took it off him, he'd made a beige baby grow out of cotton, she ran her hands along it with a smile, looking up at him. "This is beautiful.."
"Well I learnt from the best." She giggled, handing him the clothing back. "Technosoft.."
"Hey! What did you call me?" He grabbed her waist, laughing to himself as they looked at eachother.. just for a moment, it was quiet.. they weren't stressed about fixing the world, saving the boys.. they were focused on them.. and the baby that they were going to have..

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