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The couple woke up in their shared bed to the sun shining through the curtains, the redhead turning to bury her face into the warrior next to her. "Mmm.. why's it so bright?" She grumbled, huffing a little. "No idea, we have to get up though, we've got things to do.." She groaned, she had to go into town today, Techno was staying home to keep guard and to teach Tommy how to fight. Phil was going with her which wasn't so bad, it meant she at least had company and had less of a chance of someone trying to fight them. The biggest thing for her was the chance of her brother seeing her, it was a scary thought.. would he hate her? would he be happy to see her? She swung her legs off the bed and stretched her arms up as she yawned. Feeling fabric hit the back of her head, looking at the cape she was given. "Tech this is your cape, not mine."
"I know." He shrugged and she felt her face flush, she began to change; pulling dark tights over her legs, pulling on a black dress, gloves & a scarf, clasping the man's cape over herself. "Yours was dirty and I won't need mine today, I'll wash it so you can have it back later." He added before heading downstairs with her, the two wearing similar outfits.
"Are you ready to go El?"
She smiled gently at the blonde man infront of her before trudging outside to the pasture, whistling her horse over. "There's my boy.. you ready for a long journey?" The horse snorted at her as she laughed gently, she slid on his tack, patting him before she mounted him, the older coming up beside her. "We'll be alright, there's a small inn we can stay at and we'll be back tomorrow."
"It's not us I'm worried about Phil.. it's them.."
"Techno's here, nothings going to go wrong, now come on, sooner we leave, sooner we're back."

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The two arrived at Manburg? L'Manburg? Town and pulled their cape hoods over their heads. They walked through the town until the reached the markets and dismounted their horses, tying them up at a stall. "So what're we looking for here?" The man questioned as he looked at the young adult next to him. "I need fabrics, books and we're running out of food supplies so we need to get seeds before we all starve." She heard him chuckle and she held onto his arm, it was busy, really busy.. and the towns people were known for the crimes. "What's best for us to do then? Do you want to split up? You go and get your things and I'll get us some food and Techno asked me to get somethings too so I can get those?" She hummed before nodding. "Yeah okay, I'll meet you back at the horses?"
"An hour?"
"Yeah, an hours good." The two nodded and he gave her hand a soft squeeze before they went in opposite directions. She headed over to the fabric stall, buying all sorts; silks, cottons and lots of dyes. She wandered over to the book stalls, she knew what she was looking for and was praying they'd have it. She weaved her way through the busy crowds, being bumped into a few times, that was before she bumped into a certain someone, about to apologise before hearing a "Elaine?" She glanced up, her eyes going wide, dropping the satchel. "Quackity..?"
"Yes! Yeah! It's me, wow oh my god.. your brother will be so excited!!" She scrambled picking up her bag, shaking her head. "No! No, Toby can't know I'm here.. he can't know I'm.. alive.."
"What? Why..? Do you have any idea how much he misses you?"
"He cant Alex.. but it was lovely to see you again.." she nodded and walked past him, heading over to her book stall.

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Quackity wasn't going to let that go, he walked towards where the new king lived, straight to her brother. "Toby?"
The young boy hummed, looking in the direction of the voice. "She's here."
"That's enough!! I've had enough of everyone telling me she's here, she's alive.. she's gone. If she wasn't gone then why hasn't she come back?" Quackity shook his head with a slight smile. "It's really her Toby.. I wouldn't make this up."
He could see the cogs turn in the boys head as he tried to make a decision. "Get her. Bring her here."
"Is that a me order or.."
"No, that's a guard order, all of them, get them on her and bring her here. I'm going to get in contact with Dream."

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The redhead whipped her head around as she heard a siren going off, seeing guards in the area. Quackity really couldn't keep his mouth shut. "Phil!! Phil?" She shouted in the crowd, pushing through to find him. She covered her satchel with her cape and continued to look for the blonde. It was a quiet but unsuccessful search, that was until she saw guards coming her way. "Elaine, you're wanted by the King, please come quietly."
"Shit..! Shit shit shit!" She turned around and began sprinting and she pushed through the bustling streets, if she was caught this would ruin everything. "Phil!! Where are you? Phil!" She panicked, hearing the loud metal thuds coming towards her. "God Phil please.." she muttered, continuing to shove through crowds, people swearing and shouting at her, she'd picked up the pace so much that her hood had fallen. She was screwed, that was until she bumped into the familiar blonde. "Phil!! Oh my gods, Phil! We need to go!!"
"What? Why?"
"I bumped.. into Quackity.. he told Toby that I'm here.. and now the guards are after me so now we need to-" she spoke in between breaths and her sentence was cut off as she felt a sharp pain through her upper arm. "Elaine!! Oh my god." The man's eyes went wide as an arrow shot through the woman's arm as she gasped, feeling metal put around her wrists. "I told you to come quietly." She felt her eyes begin to burn, her arm hurt.. so badly. "Go Phil, go home." She nodded at him, biting her lower lip. "What and leave you here?"
"Please? You need to tell them what's happened." The blonde nodded hesitantly and turned around, heading to where they tied up their horses.

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