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the calamity and shouts of crowds could be heard

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the calamity and shouts of crowds could be heard..
tw: mentions of injuries

♕ - ⍟ - ♕

"Elaine..! Elaine!" The blonde man came rushing towards the couple, sitting down next to her as he quickly removed the cloth from her mouth as she coughed out, falling onto the ground as she shook, Phil put his cape around her and held her face, looking at her injuries. "We need to get you home.. now.." she stared at him with a small smile as a tear fell down from the left eye. "I can't walk Phil.. everything hurts.. I'm so sorry.. I ruined everything.."
"Hey.. Hey.. don't apologise, you did nothing wrong.."
Techno picked her back up, staying silent the whole time. He mounted his horse as he held Elaine in his lap. Phil mounted his horse which had the young blonde on the back who was watching over the situation. They began to travel home as fast as they could, they didn't want to be followed and Elaine was in critical condition.

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It was dark by the time the 4 returned home and Elaine was resting in her and Techno's room. Phil had treated everything he could and was working on the magic side of stuff. Techno kept watch outside as Tommy watched over her, he held her hand waiting for her to wake up. He stared at her intensely, was this his fault? Did he get her in this situation? No.. he didn't do this, this was Dream..
"Toms..?" The girl stirred, looking at the blonde as she squeezed his hand a little. "You're awake..! How're you feeling?"
"Better than earlier.. is everyone okay?"
"Are you seriously worried about the rest of us right now? You're the one who got hurt.. the only one.."
She laughed softly, looking at his face. "You are okay though aren't you?"
"I'm fine El.." she nodded, placing her hand on his cheek. "I'm sorry I'm so tough on you Tommy.."
"I get why you are.. if anything I'm happy you are, want me to go and get Techno and let Phil know your up?"
"Please." The boy stood up and left the room, she sat up carefully, getting out of the bed to look at herself in the mirror, she was in a small silk night dress which showed a lot of skin, she could see the scars she was left with and sighed, sitting back on the bed as she fiddled with her fingers. "El..!" She looked up at the door seeing the pink hair and couldn't stop the smile that flooded her face. She was tackled into a hug by him, he lay on his back, propped against the headboard while she lay on top of him, playing with her hair. "You scared the shit out of me.."
"I'm sorry Tech.."
"Don't be sorry, you're here and your alive.. and that's all that matters.."
"I didn't do that to my dad.. you believe me.. right?"
"I know you wouldn't do that to him, we all know that.. he's got everybody in that place brainwashed.."
"We need to do something about it!" She sat up but was quickly pulled back down by him. "Just not right now.. or anytime soon.. you need rest and we need a new plan.."
"I'm not just laying around doing nothing Techno, I need to go back to training, improving my magic.."
"Phil's working on something to help with that, you need your rest.. your body is tired.."
She huffed and rolled onto her stomach, sitting up on his lap as she stared at him. "Can I at least have some kisses..?"
The mans expression softened as he pushed a strand of hair out of her face and kissed her softly, peppering kissed all over her face which she giggled at, they were so soft around eachother it was unreal, they only acted like this when it was the two of them..
he continued to kiss her softly, her arms lingering around his neck, one of his hands resting on her waist as the other held her face. She pulled away after 10-ish minutes and looked at him, his hair all scruffy. "I love you.. Tech.. I'm sorry for scaring you.. I'm also sorry for losing your cape." He kissed her forehead and hugged her close to him. "Stop saying sorry.. and tell me you love me more.." She laughed slightly and kissed the side of his head. "What about me? Do you love me?" She looked at him with a tilted head and he scoffed, rolling his eyes. "You ask really stupid questions.. Elaine Amber Schlatt, I love you more than anything in this world and any other world." She breathed out and hugged him again. "Stay with me..? Please.. I don't want to sleep in here on my own.."
"You'll never be alone aslong as I live." The pinkette sat up once Elaine lay next to him, he removed his shirt and trousers, leaving him in boxers. He got under the covers with her and cuddled up next to her, tracing infinity circles on her stomach.

♕ - ⍟ - ♕

"Hey you two! Suppers ready and I-" Philza took in the sight infront of him, the two exhausted and extremely overworked adults sleeping together cuddled up, curtains pulled closed and soft snores coming from the man, he smiled at the view and slowly closed the bedroom door, his news could wait for tomorrow morning.. they both needed this time together. So he went downstairs to tell Tommy a story before the two went to bed for the night.

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