5. The Games: Episode 3

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Next we have a water pistol fight on the beach, when the camera gets close to any of us, we try to look good while we get drenched, even when we get water in our eyes. It's funny and gives the public the chance to get to know us, better to feel more comfortable with us, because there's so much controversy these days, some people really think we're the bad guys. While we're shooting at each other, some taking it very seriously, Candice and Scott run away, I don't see where they go, but I soon find out when I let out a scream. They had dumped a bucket of ice water over my head, because I wasn't getting involved in the water fight. Everyone looks our way in shock, most start laughing, while Nian locks eyes with me and tosses me his water pistol, which I barely catch. I then turn and start squirting my assaulters.

We're all gathered on the beach, the teams either side of me, their ankles tied together. I say to the camera "Our next game is the seven legged race. The Mermaids vs the Surfers. The first one who makes it to the end of the obstacle course and back, wins. The punishment is to walk through an obstacle course, blindfolded." Scott says "That doesn't sound that bad." And I laugh "You don't know what the obstacles are." The teams split off to their sides, the cameraman goes up to the Mermaids first, Warren, who's on one end says "I'm lost. I have no sense of rhythm. Beside him, Stacey says "My ankles are so chafed." And beside her, Ash agrees "Yeah, mine are really chafed, too." Beside her, Candice says "We've established that we can do this backwards than we can forwards." "Yeah, forwards not so much." Next along, Suzie says, this is gonna make us cry a lot." And lastly, Peter says "One, two. One, two!" Over at the other team, they lean a bit too far backwards and all topple onto the sand, apart from Tasia on one end. Once they're all ready, I stand in between them "On your marks! Get set!" And blow my whistle. And the teams are off, skipping along, some of them shouting out numbers or making noises with each step. Both teams are actually doing incredibly well as they make their way around the cones. The Mermaids reach the end first, then have to turn around to head back, where they get their feet mixed up. The Surfers have a problem, when trying to turn around, they all accidentally lean on Anna, in the middle, causing her to fall on her butt and her ropes come loose. The Mermaids reach the finish, while the others have given up, all undoing their ropes now. Nian, from the Surfers, sighs "We definitely lost what is definitely the worst one to lose. Best two out of three?" Her team groans and Anna says "Nah, I'm done." The others are cheering and running around, Suzie high fives with Ash "Yeah, not complete losers!" Warren says "Is it weird I was really looking forward to the blindfolded obstacle course?" All of the Surfers start complaining to the other team about their ankles and show them that they're bleeding, while the others counter that their ankles hurt too. I break up the bickering "Well, it looks like the Surfers are going to be doing the blindfolded obstacle course. Nian, do you have anything to say, as team leader?" "I will have my revenge."

While the Mermaids and I set up the obstacle course with jelly and fake rubber scorpions, the Surfers have to sit blindfolded on the sand. Once ready, we help them up and put them at the start. As they walk through, they start freaking out over each thing they step on, unaware of what it is. They slip on the jelly, falling into the sand, stand on the rubbery toys, making them scream and jump in the air, all white everyone else laughs at them all, pelting them with more rubber toys.

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