10. Fish fish fish

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Aquariums are such beautiful places, no matter your age. And they're so great for teaching. So we decided to take all the kids out to an aquarium for the first time.

It started off with some water birds and some reptiles, the kids enjoyed looking at the beautiful coloured birds, but only Lucy enjoyed the tarantulas. The was was chance for older kids to hold a tarantula and Lucy got upset because she wasn't old enough, but the man made an exception and kept his hands under hers. But she didn't throw the tarantua, in fact she didn't even flinch. Instead, she started talking to it and smiling.

We had to explain the difference between turtles and tortoises, once we came across them. We played some games with the kids, seeing who can spot the most amount of each type of animal and we read all of the fact posters and try to guess the answers right for the questions dotted about. Lucy and Braden were quite good at this, but Joseph was terrible, clearly we need to work on animals with him.

We then came across the penguins and we all tried to imitate penguins the best, probably looking like freaks, but none of us cared. Next we're the otters, which none of the kids could identify, we spent quite a while just watching them play they even had their own slide they kept taking turns on.

We then took a break for lunch. The rest of the aquarium contains all the underwater animals. First up are the rays, which kept coming up to the glass and splashing us, making the kids giggle. Then we continued on, teaching them all about the animals, and learning loads ourselves, too.

There were a few sharks, which Lucy was up against the glass I'm awe at, we learnt that more people are killed each year by cows than sharks, and Suzie said "That's because when you see a shark, you get the he'll outta there."

There was a jellyfish tunnel, where everything was blacklighted, not only were the jellyfish and seaweed art on the walls glowing in the dark, but so were some of our clothes.

We came across giant lobster, crabs and so many different types, sizes and colours of fish. And when we reach the end, there's a gift shop, we spend so long going around it. We tell the kids that they can have 1 item, but it must be less than $15. Ashley has so much money and she really isn't bothered about spending loads, especially on our children, but we want to teach them not only about money, but also that they can't always get whatever they want. So once they've each picked an item one of us has approved of, we all get ice creams and leave. We eat out in the sun, then head home.

The Soulmate Initiative: Book 3: Next GenerationWhere stories live. Discover now