10. Spread the kindness

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"Moving on then. Can you give us the names and titles of the members on your team?" "It's not my team, but I'll give you then run down nonetheless. We've actually had a bit of a shuffle about, we made some new friends during our fight against Thanos, both before and after the snap, some of whom have joined or maybe decide to join in the future. We have made allies who are offering their services when we need additional help, though will not officially be Avengers and who will be unnamed, unless they decide to introduce themselves to the public. And some of us have decided to retire." There are some noises of disappointment from the audience "That doesn't mean we'll just disappear, just that we won't be going up against anyone the team can handle without us, of course if we're needed, we'll assist. But some of us have decided it's time for some rest, those of us who have retired are; Dr Regina Banner, Hulk; Candice Barton, Hawkeye; Colonel Rhodes here; and myself." "That must have been a big decision." "It was. But we know that we're leaving the team in good hands. We're a family, all of us care about each other, and it's our time to sit back and let the newer lot take over. We'll apart from the old soldiers, but they don't seem to be stopping anytime soon. The current members of the Avengers, those who will be fighting for your protection, are; the other three on this couch; Tasia, Goddess of thunder; Suzanne Wilson, Falcon; Nian Romanoff, Black Widow; Prisha Maximoff, Quicksilver and Warren's twin sister; Spiderman, who is yet to be publicly named; Stacey Rogers, Captain America; and Anna Barnes."

"Could you tell us a little a bit Spiderman and Barnes?" "Spiderman started off on his own, just helping out around Queens. I heard about him and found him, recruited him. He's an incredible kid, but he is a kid. He's at a stage in his life where everything he does is judged, and so we're keeping his identity quiet until he's ready to throw himself out into the world, then you'll know who he is. And Barnes... some of you may recognise the name Sargeant Johanna Barnes, from history class. She was Stacey's best friend before she became Captain America, even before they joined the war. She went through a lot of shit, she was captured, tortured, turned into someone she isn't. She was the Winter Soldier." I hear gasps, but ignore them.

This is exactly why she refused to come to this interview.

"She's done a lot of terrible things, but she's been doing her best to make up for them. She has been free of HYDRA's control for years now. She was lost to the snap, which just adds to what she's fought through and especially how she bounched back from it. Anyone who watched our short TV series, would've seen a glimpse of who she really is." Thr interviewer nods a little "Perhaphs the public can hear from her sonetime, get a better idea of who she is." "Who she is, is a woman adjusting to life how she never thought she'd have it again. Every day is complicated for her, so many new things to figure out, sometimes even communicating with people can be difficult for her, because she spent 70 years under mind control, she lost 70 years of her life, of a normal life. This isn't like what happened to Captain America, who got frozen for 65 years and woke up to fund everything different, she wasnt awake that whole time, she wasn't forced to do things she didn't want to do." I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up at Vina, the expression on her face is concerned.

Shit, I'm losing it, aren't I?

I quickly glance at the interviewer "Sorry, like I said earlier: We're all family to each other." She nods "It's alright, we understand now. We all hope to one day meet the Johanna Barnes you all care for." I give her a little nod.

I glance at Rhodey, who nods, then smiles at the interviewer "Do you have anymore questions, I'd love to answer something." "Alright, Colonel. Since you've retired from the Avengers, are you also retiring from the Military?" "I am, actually. I put in my papers just the other day, they're currently being processed. You see, Banner, Barton, Stark and I, we're not like some of the others, we don't have powers, and sometimes we don't even have the energy to get our asses off the ground when we get knocked down." I chuckle a little and nod in confirmation "Sometimes people think, 'oh you're the Avengers, you always get back up, you can go forever', but that's just not the case. We all get tired, we're all human. Well, apart from Tasia and Vina. But the rest of us, we get tired and we get hurt, Barton more than any of us, she gets injured pretty much every mission and we always worry about her. We always worry about all of us, but some of us just can't take as much as the others can. And it's time for us to not get back up, because next time we get knocked down, we may not have the ability to get back up, and that's scary." "How about to finish us off, you can tell us why the Avengers are important. Most people believe the Avengers are a good idea, but some still aren't sure." "We want to help people, protect them from Earth own threats, but also from threats from 'aliens' as a collective word. There are lots of different people out there, but they're not all to be feared. Not all aliens are dangerous or want to hurt us. When we say aliens, the first thing people think is creatures from other planets, but aliens aren't just from space, an alien is someone who is different from the norm, or in our case, people who aren't like me, Stark or Lang. Vina is an alien, she's from a different planet, she was raised a different way, she has powers that I don't have. Warren, he was born on Earth, raised like the rest of us, but then his life changed, he was experimented on and gained powers. He became a mutant, an alien on our own planet. He isn't the only Earth alien, and our Asgardian friends aren't the only aliens on Earth, who aren't from here. There are people from other planets who reside on Earth, some come here because it's more peaceful and safer than the dangers of their planet, or they've come here to make friends, to discover new things. Yes, some have malicious intent, and that's where we or SHIELD step in. But those born on Earth, whether developing their mutant abilities later in life, like Dr Banner becoming Hulk, or whether they're born with their abilities, which while difficult to understand how, is intirely possible, they too can be either peaceful or malicious. We've learnt that Earth inhabits aliens from other planets, some who blend so well into society, that you might not even register their difference. There in Inhumans and Mutants, who live amongst us, some trying to suppress and hide their powers, some don't even know they have them, but power or not, they're worthy of kindness and respect. The Avengers are here to help humanity understand and accept aliens and mutants who mean us no harm. We are here to help those aliens and mutants feel safe amongst humanity, while offering the same protection for humans. We want everyone to feel safe and happy. It'll take a while for everyone to at least accept their presence, but for all you know, your next door neighbour might be alien in one way or another. Humanity is so diverse, let's spread the kindness." There's lots of clapping and we say our goodbyes, before walking out back, letting out breaths of relief and giving Rhodey a clap on the back.

That was so brave and so necessary. This can hopefully be thw start of a more peaceful world.

Once we're signed out, we head home, to find everyone sitting around the TV, we're quickly pulled over and they press play, they had clearly recorded what was said after we walked out, as we watch ourselves speed off stage. The interviewer stares in shock a moment, then turns to the audience "Well, a wonderful speech from Veteran Rhodes on behalf of the Avengers. Now we all know, the Avengers are here to make Earth a safer place, not just by protecting us from those we don't understand and fear, but also by bringing us all together, despite our differences. The least we can do, for their sacrifices and bravery in the face of death every time they step up to protect us, is to spread the kindness. Goodnight everyone." Stacey turns the TV off and is the first to approach for a hug, we all hug, some in smaller groups, but everyone gets to hug everyone else at some point. Stacey, though she was the first person to hug me, comes back to hug me again at the end, she pulls back, her hands on my shoulders "Spread the kindness. That's gotta be our slogan." I laugh.

The Soulmate Initiative: Book 3: Next GenerationWhere stories live. Discover now