4. Dead, with an accent

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They all get in the seaplane and fly their way to Vilena. They land a different place to before and leave Peter inside the plane to keep an eye on anything suspicious going on around it, to defend the plane and to keep the team updated, but really just because they know he is so excited their all in full black gear and would be a problem if he didn't stop talking. The rest of the team; Stacey, Nian, Anna, Suzie, Prisha, Warren, Tasia and Scott, sneak all the way to the Palace. They crouch down and Stacey whispers to them "It's 3:36. We have 20 minutes to take this place down. Warren and I will take the cellar." Anna points her gun at the cellar entrance "We got company." "We got him. You guys take off."

They split up and make their ways into the building, setting up C4 as they make their way silently around, taking out everyone they come across, whether with brute force, skill or powers.

Scott finds himself in a tough situation, he's been noticed when the guy he took out fell on something that made a loud noise as it fell. Prisha comes to his rescue, whizzing around the group, with two knives, slicing and slashing. And then Scott shoots at anyone who's aiming at Prisha, when she hasn't reached them yet. They both stop, facing each other and panting, Prisha smiles "Good job." Scott nods "You too. Thanks for the save." "No problem. Come on." Prisha sticks with Scott so they continue on.

Elsewhere in the Palace, Suzie and Anna get cornered, they smirk at each other and stand back to back, shooting and fighting hand to hand where they need to.

They all meet up, trying to leave the building and push open the door, but outside are a lot of armed men, even a tank. Stacey tells her team "Get back." They slip back inside, flattening themselves against the wall either side of the door, trying to come up with a plan, quickly. From outside, they hear someone speaking through a megaphone "Throw down your weapons. There's no way out." Anna and Stacey peer round the doorways, seeing the soldiers slowly approaching. Warren asks "What are we supposed to do?" Scott suggests "Let's backtrack." Nian shakes her head "The building's rigged. It's the only way out."

They hear the General call out from a balcony "The American invaders want to kill our country. Forgive me, forgive me for being human, for being selfish." Tasia asks "What's he saying?" Nian asks her "I thought Asgardians could understand all languages? I'm sure you told us that once." "All earth languages are a part of Allspeak, but when Asgard was destroyed, we lost the ability. Most of us studied English anyway, but that's the only Earth language Vina and I know." "Oh." Stacey explains "He said we're dead, with an accent." Anna counters "We're not dead." The General continues "We will kill this American disease." Suddenly there are two gunshots and he's gone quiet. Then there's machine gun fire and several more bullets. The General lands on the ground right outside the doorway the Avengers are hiding behind. The army open fire on them, assuming it was them who killed him, assuming they must have one up high. None of them show their faces or try shooting, they just cover their ears, because the sound is damaging.

They have no choice but to blow the building up, Stacey presses the button and all the shooting stops. The soldiers start running and shouting, giving the Avengers the chance to escape, shooting and using their powers as they go. Anna throws a few grenades into the mix and Nian takes over one of their machine gun set ups, after killing the man behind it. Tasia sends a burst of lightning at a tower, where people are shooting from above, the whole thing explodes and Warren has to throw a shield up around himself and Nian, to protect them from the failing debri and flames. Anna takes out the corrupt CIA guy herself and Nian takes out his bodyguard. Both men are skilled, but they're nothing compared to the Avengers.

It's over. It's finally over. On the way home, in the plane, Warren says "I wonder what Vilena is like when free." Nian takes Warren's hand in his "How about we find out sometime?"

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