9. The big interview

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We've been invited to an interview with the biggest, most popular show in the USA, so I think carefully about who to take, since we're not all going to go. They didn't specify who they wanted, they just asked for a 'variety of Avengers', so I'm taking; Rhodey, because she is very well respected; Scott, because he's not very well known; Warren, because he's a young influence; and Vina, because we've got some explaining to do about her.

We make sure to dress up. I put on a long gold dress with matching heels, my hair down, some nice earrings visible whenever my hair isn't too close to my face, my nails also gold and my lips red. Rhodey puts on her smart Military uniform for the last time, having already put her retirement papers in, getting permission to wear her uniform to this interview to represent our country. Scott doesn't have anything suitable to wear, so I drag him to my tailor and get him dressed up in a snazzy light grey suit, with red smart shoes and tie. Warren wears a pair of smart black shoes, smart black trousers and a red dress shirt. Vina uses her magic to create a beautiful Asgardian dress, which is pastel green, all the way to the floor, with a white lace collar and sleeves all the way down her arms, she wears with it gold sandals and a gold band around her head, her long black hair flowing freely, no make up at all. She truly looks like royalty.

Once we arrive and have met the lady interviewing us, we wait for are que and walk out on stage. There's a huge round of applause, though some people do falter a little when they see Vina. While the rest of us are smiling and waving, Vina stays still, and while she has no malice on her face, she's showing no kindness either, keeping her head held high and her back straight. Our interviewer smiles and speaks to the audience "Everyone, the Avengers." There's another round of applause and we walk to the seating, there's a couch that will sit four of us comfortably or all five of us squished, but it's not an issue, when Vina elegantly perches herself on one of the arms. I sit on the spot closest to her, Warren on my other side, Rhodey next to him and Scott after Rhodey. The clapping stops and the interviewer asks "Do you mind introducing yourselves, for anyone who might not know you by both name and title." They all look at me and I nod at Scott to go first, he smiles at the audience "Hi, I'm Scott. I'm also Ant Man, if that means anything to anyone." Rhodey places a kind hand on Scott's nearest shoulder and I see the interviewer's eyes flick to it, but doesn't say anything "Jessica Rhodes, War Machine." Warren curls in on himself a little, knowing people are looking at him next, even without searching the audience himself "Uh, I-I'm Warren." He clears his throat "I'm, uh, Scarlet Wizard." I lay my arm that's closest to Warren, over the back of the couch, behind him, trying to secretly put across some comfort to him, to make him understand I've got his back. He relaxes a little. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the interviewer either doesn't notice, or thinks nothing of the movement.

We don't need to be outted as soulmates just yet, we need some privacy, at least for a while.

I smile broadly at the audience "Well, you all know me." Everyone laughs and I chuckle "But, I'll go ahead anyway. Ash Stark, Iron Woman." I look up at Vina, who looks a little unsure, unfortunately we had to inform her of her alternate life's reputation. I go ahead and introduce her "And this is Vina, she's... complicated." My team chuckle lightly and I see even Vina cracks a small smile "I thought it would be a good idea to bring Vina today, to clear a few things up. This woman is not the Goddess who flattened a town in Mexico. She is not the evil alien who attacked Manhattan in 2012. She is not the number one enemy of the Avengers or SHIELD. Vina here, is from an alternate universe." There are some laughs in the audience, that die out when none of us laugh along "Last year, everyone who was stolen from their lives, were returned. Lavina lost her life, the woman who did those terrible things turned her life around and sacrificed herself for all of you. Her death meant we were able to collect the last weapon we needed, in order to go up against, and defeat Thanos. Vina was saved and brought to us, from Thanos' attack in her world. She's not the same woman Lavina was, but in her universe, in her version of our world, she has the same soul. This is Vina..." I look up at my soulmate "Wait, what surname do you go by? Your birth father or adopted one?" She speaks delicately, sounding even more regal and gentle than usual.

Probably trying to distinguish to everyone here than she isn't Lavina and that she is kind.

She even smiles a beautiful smile, though she doesn't show teeth, in true royal fashion.

I can now tell how un-royal Tasia acts.

"I do not use any surname, or title. I just go by Vina." I nod and look at the interviewer, who smiles politely "It's nice to meet you, Vina." Vina bows her head "To you as well."

The interviewer straightens up "Alright, we have lots of questions, about the Avengers in general, but also about The Avengers Games." I nod "Go ahead, we'll answer as much as we're comfortable with." "Then I'll get the most uncomfortable, and most asked question, out of the way first. The people want to know who of the Avengers have soulmates and if we know any of them."

You have no idea.

"Soulmates are a very personal thing, not just to us, but to much of Earth's population. I will tell you that no Avenger is still looking for a soulmate-" There are a few sad sighs from the audience "-but for now they will remain unnamed." "That's fair, thank you for giving us that much information. Perhaps this will do you all a favour, less fans and supporters fighting over you." I shrug a little "We don't mind a bit of banter about it, just as long as they respect that we do have soulmates." I flash a smile at the audience.

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