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Mei Mei pat Reina on the shoulder to get her attention, Reina snap out of her daydream and turn around to face Mei. " Satoru ask if you want to stay out or come inside." Reina nod her head as a yes and look at Gojo who's talking with some other sorcerer.

" Let's get going then." Mei Mei smile at her and walk toward the cabin, Gojo call Gakuganji and tell him Ijichi gone missing. The old man send Mei Mei and some more sorcerer to investigate the experiment curse Gojo report, the main mission is to locate Ijichi.


They all descend the ladder and found themselves at the same hall when Reina first come down. A few hour ago she only go to one of the hallway but now the other sorcerer are going different direction with their number of people.

" I'm going this way. Mei san you can go that way." Gojo point at the hallway where Mei was closest to, Mei nod her head and take some sorcerer with her to join her.

"Good luck Rei chan!" With that Mei Mei already walking down the dim light hallway, leaving only 8 more second grade sorcerer with Gojo and Reina.

"Then the other four can follow Rei chan, don't piss her off tho" Gojo wave goodbye and walk away with the other left sorcerer, Reina cross her arm and look at the four sorcerer who clearly nervous.

"I hope you can defend yourself, if not better send your last word to your loves one." She then walk ahead while the other sorcerer actually send text to their loves one, not long after they follow Reina who already ahead.

It was a really eerie silent, the sound of their footsteps echo through the hallway as they walk while checking each of the room. The same laboratory like she saw and they come across one dead corpses, Reina kneel on the ground and touch the corpses. The body is cold and not stiff, it probably be dead less than 2 days ago.

"Amaya san, do you think we should turn back? I could feel something big is coming our way..." One of the sorcerer said making Reina get up and turn to look at him, he was pointing at the dark hallway where the lights is now dead.

"Is it fast?" "It walking... in a normal pace but there curse all around him.." Reina furrow her eyebrows and walk toward the dark hallway.

"Our mission is to bring Ijichi Kiyotaka back. Exterminate any curse that's in the way. If you scare turn back now, i don't want to drag a dead bodies back if i'm felling kind enough." 2 of them actually turn around and run while the other 2 decide to stay.

"Even though we second grade sorcerer, we can't let Amaya san go all alone." The one who detect the curse say with a small smile, the other one just nod his head making Reina feel all fuzzy inside.

At least they both nice enough to not run.. "Then let's go, don't fight the curse by yourself got it?" "Yes ma'am!"


The 3 of them run ahead but the guy say the curse who were walking towards them already left, which mean the curse detect Reina curse energy that slowly getting closer to him. " That door!"

Reina open the door to see a room full of bed like hospital, she look around for a bit and notice some personal belongings on every small table next to the bed. They don't just experiment curse.... human was a test subject too.

A scream could be heard outside the room, Reina rush out to see the 2 guy not there anymore. "Shit" Blood trail on the floor lead her to a hidden door leading upstairs, the blood start to get thicker and there also some old corpses which smell rotten.

She push the door as it make a creaking noise, behind the door was a seem like fighting ring. There an audience seat above the ring to have a better view, she saw Ijichi and the 2 guy unconscious sitting at the audience seat. "Ijichi!"

Before she could run, Reina dodge the incoming metal ball coming her way just in time it smash into the wall, creating a big damage. "What an outstanding curse energy, i suppose you a special grade."

A man was standing a bit far from where Reina is standing start talking, black hair, red eye, a tall and lean figure.

His hand is probably as long as his leg and he was wearing a monster mask to cover only his mouth or so she thought. "Staring is quite rude" Reina frown at him and pull out her dagger, ready to use her technique if she need to.

" Jujutsu sorcerer coming in and out of this place.... make me really mad.. All i wanted is for them to leave us alone.." The man start to talk and Reina slice her arm cautiously without the curse noticing. "If you want us to leave you alone, you shouldn't have made the cult and kill humans." Crimson Veins.

A red thread warp itself around the curse as it appear from the ground, the man weren't expecting that and spin around to break it apart. Before he could break the thread veins, Reina punch him in the face sending him flying back. The curse landed on the wall using his feet and stable itself before making his arm a metal.

He really fast, she barely could see him running towards her with his metal arm trying to stab her. Ethereal Devil!

She summon her whip and bend down before his metal like arm reach her face, warping the whip on his neck and kick him in the stomach using her right knee. He wasn't even flustered by it so Reina back off, not knowing what to do.

" As you can see.... my body does not feel anything..." There was a bend on his stomach where Reina knee him but it quickly goes back to it original state. His body is nothing but a puppet... There must be a weak spot

"Then i just figure it out" Divine Strike. A red thread appears from behind Reina and thrust into the man body, he couldn't move while Reina come running ready to strike him. " I wouldn't do that..."

He said and let out a metal like needle from his body, it come flying at Reina as she defend herself by swinging her whip around. The thread disappear and the man start running again, but now much faster than before.

" It a shame your technique need to use your blood." The light start to flicker as the man attack her from every direction, slicing her using his metal arm that now sharp at the end.

" Because i have a really good sense of smell.." He whisper from behind her before slamming her head onto the floor, creating a large impact. Reina gasp in pain when she felt her head throbbing, blood gushing out of her head and the wound on her body.

The man let out a small sigh before walking away, his hand back to normal. " A few years ago someone with the same ability as you came by... He was the one who destroys this place and massacre everyone except the curse." The man cross his arm, back facing Reina who trying to get up but failed.

" He was really strong I gave up fighting him mid way but he decide to spare me. I remember how his blood turn into really incredible weapon.. If you had been his student, i bet fighting me would be easy. I guess Jujutsu sorcerer nowadays getting weaker."

The brown hair man scoff at the curse who now laying on the ground, his hand and leg been cut off and there only half of his body. The mysterious man only took one of the curse inside a bottle before walking away, leaving the curse by itself inside the laboratory.

He turn around to meet with Reina who is kneeling on both knee, head hanging low with her arms by her side."You still can move with all that wound?" He ask impress, some Jujutsu sorcerer would be dead either when he wound them or smash their head.

" Shut up, I just warming up my arms.." Reina glare at him.

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