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Harumi watch as her husband walk inside the room with a frown, she know Tsuneo was here. Her brother in law curse energy is just the same as Syio so she can identify if there 2 curse user.

"What's wrong?" She put her hand on Syio shoulder as soon he lay on the futon face first. All that come out of his mouth was mumble since he talking on his pillow making Harumi forcefully spin him around.

Yes she is strong enough to spin a 85kg man.

"Would you be with me if i kill my clan?" "I will stuff your mouth with sock if you did that." Syio face turn into a horror and roll away from her, she did that once when they were in Kyoto Jujutsu High because he ate her pudding.

"Syio... I understand your father wishes but that doesn't mean you need to kill them. Maybe it just me who can't give you a heir." When they first have Reina, his father have a private talk with Harumi about Syio heir and it was not a nice talk.

"What do you mean? We have Reina and Sayuri." She make a deadpan face at him before throwing him a pillow. "You know girl can't be a heir to the clan."

"Who cares? Reina is a perfect fit for it. She have both our curse technique, she be a special grade once she get older."

Reina technique start to appear when she was 4 and a half, Syio were so proud he even throw a party for that. " You know i was more hoping the girls born without a curse energy, the jujutsu world is just terrifying."

Syio smile to himself, he rather been insulted for the rest of his life than having to watch his kids walk into the jujutsu world.

Harumi sadly stare at Syio who stare back at her, she didn't think that the kids will walk into a world where people die left and right. She know the responsibility of a jujutsu sorcerer, with every mission they goes on, there always 50% chance of dying.

" It fine... since the both of us is here.." Harumi get up and walk toward Syio who have his head down, her hand cupped his face and bring him into a hug.

"We can get through this together." Syio nod his head and nuzzle his face on Harumi neck.

"Should we try for a son again?" "I smack you for real this time."


The family had a breakfast before going around Tokyo again today, Syio got a car that belongs to the clan and they all excited about todays plan.

They went around Tokyo from the small sweet vendor, clothing store, games store, ramen restaurants and the amusement parks. Since Hyogo don't have lot of these places, Syio bring them all around.

He notice Harumi actually not in a good mood thinking about tonight dinner so he would feed her whatever he brought, Reina and Sayuri nearly got lost when they had their lovey dovey time.

"Dad~ when are we having dinner~?" Reina ask while slumping on her seat, they on their way to Syio father estate. She just woke up from a nap while Sayuri still soundly sleeping in Harumi arms, Reina then proceed to squeeze herself between the front seat.

She start asking random questions about anything they drive pass, even that one strip club at the city. Syio answer the girl question while holding Harumi hands as he drive knowing how nervous she is.

Not long after that Syio park the car infront of the estate, lots of servants were waiting for them to arrive. Harumi hold Sayuri while Syio lifted Reina with his right arm, the 6 year old were afraid of the large crowd looking at them.

"Welcome back, Young Master Syio!"

All of the servants bow 90 degree at them while greeting Syio, Harumi face show she not liking the crowd making her stand behind her husband.

That old man, he know Harumi sensitive to loud noises... Syio turn to look at Harumi asking if she okay in silent. She give him a nod and they proceed to walk inside the estate, Reina eye scan every single person they walk pass.

As they walk abit more inside the estate, a man who in his early 50 are waiting inside a room with some servants standing behind him.

"Welcome back Syio..." Norio, the current head of Sato clan stand with intimidating aura. "Nice to see you again old man." Syio greet back with unamused face, not like he didn't notice his father eyeing Harumi who had her head down.

"Let's go in and settle down. Someone take my daughter in law to a room so she can lay Sayuri down." A woman show Harumi where they can put Sayuri while Syio put Reina down, holding her hand instead.


Reina kneel next to Syio as the servants serve food on the table, she couldn't feel the deadly aura that fill the room as she eye the interesting looking food.

"I'm quite surprise you remember your granddaughter name." Syio said earning a small frown from his father. "As i said, I do not dislike my grandchild. I just want you to have an heir."

"Still sound like you don't like them." Reina follow her dad who cross his arms, Norio vein pop on his forehead. He notice Reina look so much like Harumi except her eye colour follows Syio, he acknowledge Reina curse technique but if only she born a male.

"How your training go, Reina?" Norio ask Reina who look at her grandfather with big eye. "Train... training?" She ask and Syio shove a fried egg inside Reina mouth so she won't answer the question more.

"I'm not as crazy as you are, old hag. She still young." "You started training when you got your technique." "And no wonder you have both sons who hated you."

The argument just went on and on so Reina just decide to start the dinner herself, one of the woman servants also help her with the food she can't reach.

The father and son now in already foul mood to eat, smoke coming out of their head as Reina sleep soundly on the servants lap. "Whatever, let just talk in the morning or something if you not dead yet."

Syio scoop Reina up with one hand before grabbing his jacket to leave. "Your kids are asleep, stay the night here so we can talk early in the morning."

Syio was about to appose it but then he hear Reina soft snore, he scoff at his father before making his way to where Harumi were.


"Honey?" Harumi watch as her husband walk in with Reina sound asleep in his arm, he softly put her on the futon before turning to look at his wife.

"You okay? Are you hungry? Did something happen?" He ask and Harumi shake her head as a no, she hold Syio hands and place one hand on his cheek.

"Sayuri woke up and start crying so i couldn't join you. Another fight?" He only close his eye and lean on his wife warm touch, he hum making Harumi pat his head.

"Let just sleep, i need to face him again tomorrow. God please take his life tonight- okay i apologies god." He quickly apologies when he gets a deadly glare from Harumi.


"morning! Pancake stash with cherry on top~!" Reina jump on top of Syio while singing her own song, Harumi already awake dressing Sayuri in a dress.

"Apparently the servants say we eat separately from your father, but he did want to see you later before we go home."

Harumi say while Syio try to stop Reina from continuing to jump on him, Sayuri crawl over to where her sister is wanting to join annoying their father.

"If he gonna meet us before we leave, why are you awake so early? It like 7 am, okay Rei don't punch me in the stomach.."

He playfully grab Reina hand as Sayuri got on top of him, Harumi smile seeing their interaction bullying her husband who still half asleep.

"The kids got hungry, come on and get up." Syio strech for a bit before attacking both his daughter with tickle attack. Reina start to run away behind Harumi who's now the next target of Syio attack.

The Sato estate were filled with laughter from the family who awake at 7 am. The servant all feel at ease went there at least some laughter in the estate instead of deadly silence.

𑁍𝑀𝐴𝑅𝐼𝑂𝑁𝐸𝑇𝑇𝐸𑁍/JUJUTSU KAISEN Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora