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Disclaimer: i do NOT own anything except for the story i made!

•some grammatic errors•



YOU CAN'T help but to grin all day of preparing the venue, your Aunt wondered why when you told her that the special guests she personally invites will come to her event which also made herself happy too, that's right the three of them will flew all the way here! As soon as you got home, you also messages them saying that they should stay in your residence for weeks too, since they were already there for a tour why not spend some vacation too, right. Excitement can't be help to your happiness, you will sure to wear one of the most beautiful dress that your mother personally made it on its own.

It their respond: saying that they agreed to stay, while the three of them were a little hesitant, because they thought they will going to be a bother as you on the other hand immediately responded that they weren't and they were always welcome at your residence you even told them that it was already okay to your Aunt, and with that they had no choice but to just take it.

Even if you already went home, the work is still not done yet. You still have to help your Aunt from filling many papers at her working office room, she left as soon as you gotten home because she need more appointments to attend and needed to finish it at the end of the week, because the anniversary of the MTF will begin.

You on the other hand was busy filling many papers, you had been there since four hours and hadn't been taken a break, the pile of papers doesn't seem to deceased at all.  A call that suddenly interrupted you, which you groan at this, you were underneath the table picking some papers that falls over, and your phone was on the top of the table. You had crawl a little more to reach it as it turns out to be your GrandFather's secretary. Luzim.

You answered it as he greeted you first before going to the point of his business, he said that your GrandFather and your Father will also going to attend to the event at 20th, it made tour heart drop, it was alright if your GrandFather attend but your Father too?! Ever since you move in Turkey he never had an contacted you since then.

And now you were all paled up, he will be going, and will meet you. Your Father whom he despised of you, wearing man's clothe with a man's hairstyle as well, it irritates him for some reason you didn't know why but all you know, you will make a huge mistakes for tomorrow. Luzim also stated another business.

He suggested to help you out of the filling pile of papers at your Aunts residence which it lighten your mood a little, you agreed of him coming here and help you out, it will be a great time to have some rest at least. Luzim was always been a reliable person to the beginning, you and him as actually childhood friends, your grandfather had adopted him and now he works as his secretary. One of the Golden Workers of the Hamazalnim family that is.

After the talk, you gotten back to your filling which it stress you out even more, just hearing your father will be coming to the anniversary of the foundation at the 20th. Universe seem to know you were feeling a little bad and down, another phone call that caught your attention and will lighten your mood. The three friends of yours wanted to have a video call.

You immediately took it for an answer, Hakken was wearing his usual clothes all black and his background that he was in his room, Shunsuke was also in his room and letting you know he was already packing which made you chuckle. But Knite's camera was off and the three of you wondered why. Although you could hear his voice, seem to be carrying something and struggling with it, when he open his camera you giggled at what you saw.

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