I'll Be There

567 12 2

Camilo x y/n
Requested by Puppyplum13

Y/n pov

I walked into the Casita, I wanted to say hi to my boyfriend and he should have finished breakfast by now.

I walked in and saw Mirabel, "Oh! Y/n!" she called out to me.

"Hi Mirabel, have you seen Camilo?" I asked.

"Is he not with you?" she asked.

I shook my head.

"Oh, that's strange. I hadn't seen him much this past few days. I thought is was because he was hanging out with you."

I began to get worried.

"Dolores." I called out. I felt bad for calling out for her, but I needed to find my boyfriend.

"He's helping out with the children at the center of the town." Dolores said.

"Thank you." I said as I ran off to find him.

I saw him playing with some children. They would jump on him and he would shift into different people of different lengths while spinning then before putting them down, but he seemed a bit off. A bit wobbly.

"Hey, Camilo." I said going to his side.

"Hey, y/n." he said smiling at me. He seemed exhausted.

"My turn again!" a little girl said excitedly.


"I'm sorry, but no more for today." I said cutting him off.

"But why?" she asked. A bunch of the children began whining too.

"It's fine." Camilo said. His voice sounding weak. He went around me, but for some reason seemed to be holding on to my back just to get around.

"Amor, is-" I didn't get to finish what I was saying when Camilo's body hit the ground.

"Camilo!" I immediately went to down. I looked around not knowing what to do.

"Can you help him?" I asked someone.

"Um, sorry y/n. I'm not really sure what to do." he said then awkwardly walked away. I looked over at the other people just walking past. The kids were all huddled around him.

"Maybe you should get Julieta." A lady said before looking away and leaving.

"How about you get him? I can't leave him here alone!"

She looked between us and shrugged, walking away.

"Alright, go home." I said to the kids.

"Why's Camilo sleeping?" one of the kids asked.

"Becouse he's tired, now go home."

"But it's the morning, he shouldn't be tired."

"Go home." I said sternly and they all left. I picked up Camilo, he was too light. I walked over to the Casita. The Casita let me right in. It seemed as if everyone was out right now. I went up the stairs and to his room. I carefully placed him on the bed and left to find Julieta.

I found her in front of a huge line of hurt people. I sighed. The amount of people that do risky things just because they know she'll heal them is awful. I went directly to her.

"Julieta may I take a few arepas for Camilo? He passed out."

"Of course! Is he okay?"

I shrugged, she looked at the line.

"Unfortunately I can't leave, but in the fridge I've also made some juice. Give him some juice and water. Make sure to cool him down too." I nodded as I grabbed a handful of arepas and went to the kitchen. I put them on a tray, along with some fruits, mango juice, and water. I found a bag of ice and brought that with me upstairs. I saw Camilo, he seemed to have regained consciousness, but still seemed weak and pale. I poured him a cup of juice and put it to his lips to drink. I put the bag of ice behind his neck. Once he finished his juice, I took the ruana of off him to help him cool down. He was drenched in sweat. I gave him some water, and watched as he drank the water and ate the arepas, his head leaning on my shoulder the whole time. When he finished his face seemed to have regained its normal color.

"Thank you, y/n." he said, still laying his head on my shoulder. I kissed the top of his head.

"Amor, what have you been up to these past few days? You're way too overworked."

"Well, Laura's baby was just born the day before yesterday, so I have been watching over him at night so she can rest. And then I've been helping watching over the kids. Sometimes some people would ask me to help them or sub in for them during the day."

"When was the last time you had a good night's sleep?"

"Before Laura's son, Diego was born."

"And when was the last time you've been able to catch a break throughout the day?"

"Um, two maybe three weeks ago. I've been helping Laura while she was nearing her due date."

"And the last time you ate?"

"Um, yesterday for breakfast."

"Ay, Camilo." I said running my hand through his hair. Shape-shifting already drains out so much energy from him, I'm surprised it hasn't happened sooner.

"Camilo!" Pepa said opening the door. She ran over to her son.

"Julieta told me what happened! Are you okay? I'm so sorry." she said hugging her son.

"It's alright, Mama. I'm alright now."

She looked over at me and hugged me. "Thank you for taking care of him!" I nodded, soon Felix came into the room with a plate full of arepas and fruits.

"How're you feeling?" he said.

"I'm alright, Papa." Camilo said smiling.

"When I see Laura I'm going to give her a piece of my mind! Why does she expect you to look after her baby at night? She has a husband! She has 2 sisters and a brother! Out of everyone who could help her watch over Diego, she chose you." Pepa said thundering.

"Pepa, it'll be alright. I'll go with you." Felix said.

"I'm just glad our (son/daughter/offspring) in law was here to help him." Pepa said.

"Yup." Camilo said. I looked back at him, yup, I was definitely going to marry him someday.

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