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Requested by TripleCow
5 year old Isabela pov

I watched the door glow as I put my hand on the doorknob. I picture of me was carved on the door with my name and plants.

I turned around to see flowers growing around me.

"We have a new gift!" Abuela said as everyone cheered.

I opened the door and as I walked in, flowers bloomed evrywhere.

"Such perfect flowers."

"I want a gift as great as yours!" Dolores said.

"Well, you still have to wait a few months." I said.

-time skip.

I walked outside the Casita and made my way outside. Nothing made the people happier than me going outside to prove the magic was strong. Afterall evryone loves flowers, even Alessandro who was alergic. But, either way Mama heals him of his alergy so he can enjoy my perfection.

-time skip

Stupid, stupid Mirabel. She couldn't have shut her mouth. Now this perfect plan is ruined. My stupid fiancé has a broken nose. Not that it did much seeing as how he always ODed on the cologne. Mirabel was lucky, she didn't have to worry about looking perfect in front of the town as a sign that everything was perfect. She doesn't have to do anything!  And ever since she came in the picture Abuela has just put more pressure on me to make sure the town people don't think anything bad will happen to our magic.

Honestly this gift feels more like a curse. I sighed. Me and Dolores used to be close until I had to be perfect and evryone saw her as a background character. Now evryone thinks I'm too good to hang out with someone who has so many secrets. If things were as the way they were before, we'd  be in one of our rooms complaining about everything.

-time skip to after the Casita is rebuilt

"Mariano is amazing!" Dolores said, dreamly.

"Even his heavy cologne?" I asked.

"He smells amazing." She said firmly.

"Yeah, well glad I don't have to be the one to smell it anymore."

"What are you going to do before we meet back at Luisa's room for a spa with the girls?"

"Well, I'm going to try making new plants I don't know about! Think of all the cool plants out there I can make! Oh, and don't tell Camilo this but while he's asleep tonight I'm going to plant cacti all over his room because he stole my makeup again."

"Want me to join?"

"Hell yes."

"Gasp! Not señorita perfecta Isabela saying hell!" Dolores gasped.

We both laughed at this. It was so nice to finally be free of being perfect. Be free of caring about what people thought of me. Now I could be cruel, petty, awful, creative, adventurous, and not give a damn about anyone's opinion.

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