Chapter 4

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I cover my face in embarrassment knowing I can't make a scene in the cafeteria.

"I can't just confront him in front of all his friends. What do I do?" I ask Sierra.

"Just slip him you're number and a note saying you need to speak to him and walk away very fast" she says giggling a little bit.

"Fine I guess I could do that. I don't see much of a choice here considering we're going to see each other,  and I don't want him being rude anymore" I say.

I sign my name and number down and a note that says, "please text or call me so we can speak about something" and fold the paper up.

"Okay I'm going to walk by and grab a water bottle from the beverage bar and just slip the note on the table super-fast" I tell Sierra.

"Ok good luck" Sierra says laughing.

I walk over and grab the water I didn't need and put the note on the table by his arm, but I accidentally drop the water and they all stop and stare at me.. I could have died right there.

"Sorry" I say with a fake smile and walk away.

Jackson notices the note and turns around towards me with a smirk.

I lay my head on the table in embarrassment.

"Sierra this is awful.. Why did I do this?"

"I have no idea" she laughs hysterically.

"It will be ok I promise" she says.

I turn around to look at him and he had his phone out. I get a text immediately and check  my phone.

"Hello Ellie. This is Jackson. I wasn't sure if you knew who this was so just verifying".

Still being a sarcastic ass, I see. I show Sierra the message and she's uncontrollably laughing now.

"Ok I'm leaving and going home"

"Ok let me know how you're conversation with him goes" Sierra says still laughing.

I walk out of the cafeteria to my car and sit in it for a minute.

"What the hell is wrong with me" I think to myself and get another text.

"On a serious note, what do you need to speak about?". I save Jackson's number and name him "arrogant ass" in my phone and text back. "Why are you so rude to me?" I ask.

He texts back "if you saw how I treated other people, you'd see I'm not that rude to you".

I doubt he treats me any better than anybody else.

"Ok. Don't tell me then. Bye."

"Ok bye then" he sends.

He really just can't answer the question can he? My phone vibrates and "arrogant ass" flashes across the screen. "Why the hell is he calling me" I think to myself and lay my head down on the steering wheel and answer the phone.

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