Chapter 16

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"You want me to stay the night with you?" I ask.

"Yes the whole apartment is mine and I'll even sleep on the floor if you want me to" he says.

"No, we can sleep in the same bed... I just don't have any clothes or anything with me" I respond in a panic.

He grabs both of my hands.

"Calm down. I have clothes you can borrow, and I have extra toothbrushes and things like that here already" he says.

"Ok maybe I could stay"

"REALLY???" He asks excitedly.

I begin giggling.

"Yes I can stay if you really want me to"

"Yes I want you to" he says eagerly.

"Ok well can you show me around then?"

"Yes absolutely" he says.

He begins walking me around. It's not too big but I like to know where everything is.

He has a big bedroom with a king size bed and a huge bathtub in the bathroom. The whole apartment is so cozy.

"So, what do you think of it?" He asks.

"It's really nice but how can you afford this?"

"My dad said that if I go to college, he will pay for my apartment because I don't like dorms. I  told him I don't need his fucking money, but he continues to pay for it every month" he says.

"Well maybe he just wanted to be nice and wanted you to be comfortable"

"I guess" he says.

"Well, it's getting late. Could I use you're shower?" I ask

"Yes. Let me get you a change of clothes"

I follow him to the bedroom where he pulls out one of his black shirts and pajama pants.

"Thank you" I say shyly.

"Everything you need is in there. Just call for me if you can't find something" he says.

I smile at him and make my way to the bathroom.

I close the door and exhale the breath I've been holding. My nerves are going crazy just thinking about sleeping in the same bed as him.

I start the shower and find a toothbrush and toothpaste.

I get undressed and hop in when I hear a knock on the door.

"Did you find everything you needed" Jackson asks.

"Yes I found everything" I say loudly so he can hear me over the shower running.

"Ok just making sure" he responds.

I hop out of the shower and throw his clothes on. They smell just like him. It's almost comforting.

I come out of the bathroom and Jackson's in the living room. He hears me and turns around. I look at him shyly because it feels weird wearing his clothes.

"You look beautiful" he says.

I look down blushing.

"Thank you" I almost whisper.

"Are you ready to lie down?"

"Yes please" I respond.

He walks over and grabs my hand and leads me to the bedroom.

"Are you sure you're ok with sleeping in the same bed?" He asks.

"Yes it's fine" I say reassuring him.

"Ok. I just want you to be comfortable" he says.

He begins getting undressed. Starting with his shirt and then his pants.

"Are you sleeping in your boxers?" I ask panicked.

"Yes.. is that ok? If not I can put pajama pants on".

I calm down and realize I'm overthinking the situation because I'm nervous.

"No, it's fine" I Respond with a small smile.

He pulls the blankets back and climbs in the bed.

"You coming?" He asks smiling at me.

"Yes" I say and lay on the other side of the bed.

He surprises me and wraps his arm around my back and pulls me to him.

I rest my head below his chin on his chest and listen to him breathing.

He lifts my shirt on my back and begins stroking his hand on my skin.

"This is so calming" I say.

"I'm glad you feel comfortable" he says and kisses my forehead.

I burrow my head in his chest and wrap my arm around his back.

"You're so beautiful Ellie" he whispers in my ear.

I look up and lock eyes with him smiling.

He slowly leans in and starts kissing me softly.

He gently slips his tongue in my mouth, and I hear that sinful moan again. He just does something to me.

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