Chapter 23

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No, I can't tell her I love her. We would never work out. I'm no good for her.

"Are you ok?" She asks.

"Yes I'm fine. I'm sorry"

"My birthday dinner is tonight. If we have anything to do today, we should get it done now" she says smiling at me.

How can I sit here and be so nice to her and make love to her knowing I'm not good for her? I'm a fucked up human being. I am going to break her heart.

"I actually can't go. I forgot I have something to do tonight. Sorry"

"Oh... that's ok" she says with a disappointed look on her face.


I start getting ready for my dinner and I'm upset that Jackson couldn't come. I was looking forward to spending time with him.

I make it to the restaurant and my family is already seated.

"Hi mom. Hi dad" I say and hug them both.

"Happy birthday" they both say enthusiastically smiling.

We eat dinner, sing happy birthday, and have cake for dessert.

I open my presents and my mom got me a dark blue flowy dress and my dad got me a new laptop to do my writing in.

"Thank you guys. I love you" I say and hug them both.

"You're welcome sweetie. We love you too" my mom says.

We finish my birthday dinner, and we all leave.

Now that the dinner is over, I can go hang out with Sierra at a party.

I give her a call.

"Hey, are you at a party?"

"Yes. Come over. It is you're birthday after all and you don't need to be sober" she says laughing.

"Ok let me get dressed and I'll be over"

I put on the cute dress my mom got me and curl my hair. I take one last look in the mirror and I'm ready to go.

I pull up to the house and it's full as usual. I walk in and grab a cup of clear liquor.

Then I see him with some girl.

Jackson has another girl sitting on his lap.

"What the fuck" I say to myself as I drop the cup, and everyone turns to look at me.

He sees me and his eyes widen.

"Ellie wait" he says and pushes the girl off of him.

He grabs my arm to stop me, and I jerk away.

"Don't fucking touch me. What is wrong with you?"

"Ellie just let me explain" he says fearfully.

I walk away and bump into a man. I look up and it's Daniel. My ex that abused  me. Oh my god how much more could go wrong tonight?

"Oh my god Ellie. How are you?" Daniel asks and pulls me in for a hug.

I push him off and I see Jackson's confused look wondering who he is. I give them both a nervous stare.

"Who the fuck are you" Jackson asks Daniel.

"I'm Daniel and who the hell are you?" Daniel says.

"Daniel? The same Daniel that hurt Ellie?"

"Don't talk about shit you don't know about" he says.

Jackson instantly tackles him and starts beating him.

"Jackson stop" I yell at him.

I try to pull him off, but his arm comes back and hits me.

Everybody at the party is trying to stop them at this point. Once Jackson realizes he's hit me, he stops.

I give him a terrified look and run to my car to get away from all this.

I get there before he can make it to me and drive away. Far away from him and Daniel and that girl Jackson was with.

I can't take it all. I feel myself slipping away.

I don't feel happy anymore. I should have just left Jackson alone. I should have never gave him my number or spoke to him at all.

My phone lights up and it's Jackson calling me.

I look down to reach into my purse and shut my phone off but when I look back up, a car is headed straight for me. I ended up in the wrong lane and  I sharply turn the wheel and the whole car starts to spin. Then it flips... and I don't feel real anymore. I'm not sure how many times it flipped but I'm laying here and it's calm. Am I dying? Is this how I go out? Trying to get away  from a man who doesn't care about me.

I hear sirens coming my way and I let the sleep take over me.

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