Chapter 15

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I stand there silently embarrassed while he acts like he doesn't know me.

"Well... are you going to say something" Jackson says harshly.

I stare at him confused until I finally break myself out of the trance I was in.

"Hey Jackson, isn't that the drunk girl you were supposed to take home" one of his friends says laughing.

I look up with tears in my eyes in a panic.

I shake my head at Jackson in disbelief and rush away from the table.


"Yea that was the girl I was supposed to take home" I tell josh.

"Looks like she developed a crush for you" he says.

Samantha moves closer to me and tries to hold my hand and I jerk away. I assume she's jealous and that's why she did it. She looks at me like I just committed a crime after I stand up and move away from her.

"I've got to go" I tell everybody.

"Going to chase you're girlfriend?" Josh asks laughing.

"Shut the fuck up josh. She's not my girlfriend and no I'm not going to chase her. I barely know the girl" I say.

I walk away from the table and head to my car.

"How am I going to fix this" I think to myself.

Maybe I could text her and try to explain myself.

No... she seemed pretty hurt. She will never forgive me for embarrassing her like that.

I decide to go home and push the thought of her out of my mind.

I hop in the shower and clean up before I eat. I ordered a pizza, and I don't want to eat by myself.

"Come eat pizza with me at my apartment" I send to Ellie looking for an excuse to see her.

"I Thought you didn't know me" she replies.

Damn this girl. She's pissed at me.

"Please come over" I send.

"Sorry I don't really hang out with strangers"

"I'm not a stranger. Please come" I beg.

"What's the address?"

I send her the address and wait for her to show up.

A knock comes from the door, and I hop up excitedly.

"Damn. I don't want to seem too excited" I think to myself.

I fix my walk and open the door to let Ellie in.

"Hi" she says shyly.

"Come on in" I say with a smile.

"So why did you invite me here besides pizza?"

"So that I can explain the way I treated you" I say.

"Go on" she says.

"Come sit with me"

She follows and sits down with her full attention on me.

"Ok... so I have no excuse for the way I acted. I know I seem like a real dick right now and I want to apologize. I want to give us a chance, but I have a hard time accepting affection from somebody because nobody has ever peaked my interest like you. I usually just fuck girls and leave. I don't make a relationship with anybody but you're different. You didn't throw yourself on me like other girls have. You don't want just sex out of me and that scares me. I promise I will try to work on my own issues and stop treating you bad around people. It's hard for me because I watched my dad cheat on my mom for a long time, so I don't know how to make a relationship work. Just please forgive me" I plead and grab her hands.

She surprises me and jumps on me for a hug.

I didn't expect that at all.

"I'm sorry nobody has ever treated you correctly" she says cupping my face with her hand.

I lean into her hand and rest my face there without realizing it.

She takes me by surprise when she leans in and kisses me softly.

"You deserve happiness and I'm willing to give it to you if you can do the same for me" she says.

"Thank you for giving me a chance Ellie" I say leaning my forehead to hers.

"Of course. Just don't make me regret it" she says.

"You won't regret it. I promise"

"I'm serious. I have to be able to trust you" she says.

"You can trust me"

"Ok" she says.

I suddenly have the bright idea to ask her to stay the night with me.

"Stay over tonight. The apartment is mine and it will be just us" I say.

She looks at me shocked as I desperately wait for her response.

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