Chapter 8

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I get up off the bathroom floor and open the door. Jackson is nowhere to be found. I search throughout the house, and he is literally nowhere inside. I decide to just walk to my car and try to drive home. I think Sierra already left so she can't take me.

I get to my car and see Jackson waiting there for me.

"I figured you'd need a ride" he says.

"Why are you helping me?" I ask.

"Because I'm not a total dick" he says.

I hand him my keys and thank him while we get in the car.

"Sorry you have to do this" I say quietly.

"It's fine. It happens but don't drink so much next time and don't dance on random dudes" he says.

"What does dancing have to do with being drunk? It's none of your business who I dance with. I'm not spoken for so don't try to make those kinds of decisions for me" I say.

"Well, the guy you were dancing with only wanted to fuck you so maybe take my advice sometimes because I'm not the one trying to grab your ass like he was" he says rudely.

"If I wanted to fuck him, it wouldn't be any of your business, so I don't see the problem here" I say.

He looks at me and laughs. Why the hell is he laughing?

"Why are you laughing right now? I'm being serious"

"You're cute when your mad" he says while chuckling.

I feel my face get hot and I look away from him and start fidgeting with my hands.

"Don't get shy now. You were just yelling at me" he says.

"Just take me home please"

"Nope we're going to get food" he says.

"What?... no, I need to go home"

"No, you need to sober up so We're getting food. I'll pay" he says.

"Fine but I want to go home right after"

"That's fine. I wasn't going to kidnap you or anything if that's what you were thinking" he says while chuckling and staring at me.

I turn the radio up to help me stop thinking about how nervous I am right now.

The radio station was on Coldplay and Jackson turned it off.

"Hey!! I liked that song"

"That song was shit. How about we put on real music" he says.

"What's your version of real music then?" I ask.

He puts on Pink Floyd and turns it up.

"This is real music baby" he says and starts singing.

I blush as he called me baby and smiled at him singing and laughing.

He really is cute when he's being playful. Why can't he be like this every time I see him?

I look ahead and see a diner.

We pull in and all of my nerves come back.

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