Chapter 13

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We find a cute little Italian restaurant and get seated.

"Wow this place is beautiful" I say while gawking at all the beautiful flowers and plants set around the windowsills.

"What's your favorite Italian meal?" Jackson asks.

"Umm.... Spaghetti duh. What else?" I say laughing.

"You know spaghetti isn't the only meal Italians make right?" He asks chuckling.

I can't stop myself from bursting out with laughter. Our day has gone a lot better than I thought it would.

"I know..." I say cautiously because I'm not really sure what else they make.

"Name another dish then" he says with a crooked smile because he knows I can't.

"Uhm... well..." I stutter with my finger tapping my chin trying to think about another dish.

"Risotto, pizza, gelato, lasagna.." he says laughing at me.

"I knew all of those. You just put me on the spot and made me nervous" I say giggling.

"Yea sure" Jackson says smiling.

The server comes to the table to take our order.

"What can I get you guys?" She asks.

"I'll have spaghetti please" I say.

"Can I get lasagna" Jackson says.

"Yes. will that be all?" the server asks eyeing Jackson and batting her eyes.

What is it with girls? I'm literally sitting right here with him. I know we're not dating but what if we were. She's being very disrespectful.

"Yes that's all" I say rudely.

I look down in embarrassment as soon as I say it to her. I have no right to be jealous. We're not even together.

Jackson gives me a wondering look when the server walks away.

"What was that about?" He asks.

"Sorry she was just batting her eyes at you, and I think it's unprofessional to flirt with customers" I say.

"Are you sure that's the only problem? You seemed a little jealous" he says chuckling.

"Why would I be jealous? We're not together" I say trying to sound confident.

"I don't know why you'd be jealous. You tell me" he says.

"I'm not jealous ok? Can we change the subject?"

"Ok" he says chuckling.

Our food is ready, and we eat and finish quickly. We get dessert to share and  talk the whole time about everything we can think of. We never have to force conversation. It comes so naturally.

"To be honest, this day has gone a lot better than I thought it would" I say.

"What makes you think it would've went bad?" Jackson asks.

"Nothing in particular. We just argue a lot" I say laughing.

"That is true" he says.

We pay the bill and leave the restaurant.

"Do you need a ride?" I ask.

"No, my car is over there" he points to a smoke grey muscle car.

"Wow that's a beautiful car" I say.

"Yea. My dad bought it for me when I graduated high school. It's a 1965 chevy impala" he says.

As he finishes his sentence, a guy walks by and bumps into Jackson and spills a full drink on his shirt.

"What the fuck man" Jackson says eyeing the guy.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do that" the guy says.

"Open you're fucking eyes next time and watch where you're walking" Jackson tell him and turns to me.

The guy walks away, and I can see the anger in Jackson's eyes.

"Hey, it's just a shirt. They guy didn't mean to. It was an accident" I tell him.

"It's fine. I can just take it off. I have other shirts in my car. Walk with me" he says.

We head over to his car, and he opens the passenger door and pulls out a black shirt and proceeds to take his wet shirt off.

I gawk at his body as he takes off the shirt. He has tattoos lining his stomach and back. I begin biting my lip without realizing it while starting at him.

"Hey are you okay?" He asks.

I remove my eyes from his body to look at his face that's full of amusement.

"Yea... sorry. I was just looking at you're tattoos" I say.

"You like them?" He asks.

"Yea.. they look good" I say biting my lip again.

"Stop doing that" he says.

"What?... doing what?" I ask.

"Stop biting you're lip" he says as he walks closer to me until we're inches away from each other.

"W-why?" I ask nervously.

"Because I won't be able I control myself around you if you do that" he says putting his hand on my waist and the other on my chin to tilt my head to look at him.

"S-sorry" I say nervously staring directly in his eyes now.

He begins moving his face closer to mine. Is he going to kiss me?

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