Chapter 11

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It's finally the day to turn in my essay. I have some time before class to get coffee so I head over to the coffee shop.

"Just a black coffee please" I tell the worker.

"That will be $2.50"

"Ok thank you" I say.

I walk over to a chair to sit down and see Sierra.

"Good morning" I tell her.

"Good morning. How did you're conversation with Jackson go the other day?" She asks.

I hesitate to tell her, but I do anyway.

"It was fine. And then it wasn't" I say.

"What happened?" She asks.

"Well, he's more of an ass than I thought. We went to get food after the party last night and when his friend  showed up at the restaurant, he acted embarrassed around me and told them he was just taking a drunk girl home" I say pointing to myself to make it obvious I was the drunk girl.

"Wow... he really is an asshole then huh?" She says.

"Yes I feel like an idiot for trying to be his friend in the first place"

I look up from talking to Sierra and see Jackson walk in the coffee shop.

"Ok I've got to go but I'll text or call you" Sierra says.

"Ok bye" I say smiling at her.

As soon as she walks out. Jackson walks over to me.

"Hey, I tried calling you last night" he says.

"Yea I know. I watched it ring" I say.

"Usually when people get a call, they answer said call" he says.

"I had an essay to work on" I say getting up and walking past him.

"Wait where are you going?" He asks desperately.

"I don't have time for any of this. I have to get to class" I say.

"Wait let's just start over and be friends" he says and puts his hand out to shake mine.

"Hi I'm Jackson. What's your name?" He says.

I extend my hand and shake his laughing.

"I'm Ellie" I say smiling.

"Friends?" He asks.

"Yes I guess so. But just friends" I say.

"Just friends. I got it" he says smiling.

"Ok I have to go" I say.

"Ok friend. See you around" he says smiling at me.

I get to my car and drive to campus.

I get to class right on time and turn in my essay and sit down.

"I'm glad to see everyone finished the essays I assigned" the professor says.

"Finals are coming up so I expect everyone to be ready. Because of finals, I will give you all day off today to study for it" he says.

Everybody smiles and starts packing out of the doors. I guess I could go home and study.

I walk out of the doors and decide to head to the cafeteria to get food before I go home. I'm starving and being hungry won't help me study.

It's still morning so I grab a bagel and an apple juice and make my way to the tables and sit.

Jackson walks by me and smiles, and I return the smile. I guess he's going to sit with his friends. I turn around to follow where he's going, and he sits down with a group of guys and starts having a conversation with them.

I'll just finish this and leave. I have to be ready to take these tests. Maybe I could text Jackson after, and we could meet up and hang out.

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