Chapter 7: Reunions and Explanations

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(After the last mission, the heroes return to the military base, and see their friends, including the Justice League and the Avengers, much for the surprise of Terry Riendhardt and Alex Jonah.)

Deadpool: The Avengers and the Justice League together again? (to the readers) If you read the comics, you know what I'm saying.

S. Spider-Man: Ben Reilly? Is that you?

Spider-Man: No, I'm Peter Parker.

Iron Man: How did you find me, kid?

Spider-Man: Uh... (points at Doctor Strange, who waves) he helped us.

Batman: (to the Justice League) What are you guys doing here?

D. Decade: I could ask the same thing.

Demons: Same about the Avengers.

Flash: Batman being Batman...

Woz: We're all here to help you all, including our king Sougo Tokiwa.

Omega: What brings you here, Shadow?

Shadow: Do you really have to ask, Omega?

Rouge: How rude, Shadow.

Deadpool: This is what he is since Maria was...

(Shadow quickly grabs Deadpool and slams him into the wall.)

Shadow: (angry) Don't you dare pronounce her name, got it?

Colossus: Consider yourself warned, Deadpool.

Natsu: Hey.

Deadpool: Zip it, pink hair!

Wolverine: (sighs) Idiot...

Rin: I know, right?

Pikachu: Pika.

Jake: I can't believe it's happening.

Gia: I know, right? Justice League, Avengers, Sonic, Kamen Riders, Maverick Hunters, Repliforce, Guardians of the globe...

Jotaro: I don't need to ask what brings you here, right, Old man?

Superman: Well, anyway... my name is...

D. Decade: I know you. Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, The Flash, Aquaman, Shazam, Cyborg, Green Lantern, Raven, Green Arrow, Hawkgirl, Nightwing, Batgirl, Zatanna, Black Canary, Martian Manhunter, Doctor Fate and Blue Beetle.

Robin: I guess the only ones you don't know are me, Selina, Harleen, Kori, Todd, Rusch, Stein and Kara.

Supergirl: I'm known as Supergirl. The kid is Robin. The women are Catwoman, Harley Quinn and Starfire.

Red Hood: Just call me Red Hood. The two in there can fuse into a being known as Firestorm.

Demons: Before you introduce yourselves, I know who you are. Captain America, Thor, Black Widow, Hulk, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Spider-Man, Vision, Black Panther, War Machine, Ant-Man, Winter Soldier, Falcon, Captain Marvel, Wasp and Doctor Strange.

Ant-Man: (unmasks) How did you know our names?

Demons: Okay, now I'm shocked. You're not Hank Pym.

Wasp: Do you know my father?

Ant-Man: Oh, this is Hope Van Dyne, daughter of Janet Van Dyne.

Demons: Pleased to meet you... I guess...

Thor: (to the Avengers) Okay, I know what you're thinking. Oh no, a random dude knows the Avengers. How did this happen? Well, sometimes you have to end up in another dimension to get the answers. (to the others) Well, it's a long story. We have been dealing with alien invasions, an artificial intelligence and its drones, I lost my hammer before I fought the big guy, while the rest fought a civil war, we have been divided for a while and lost our battle against a Titan, who got all of the power stones and decimated half of the earth's people, but then we traveled back in time to gain the very power stones, restored all of the population and defeated the Titan.

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