Chapter 30: Terminus

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(After the heroes' escape from the Atlas prison camp, they arrive at the ruins of a burning base. Mulkiewicz's Bravo Squadron exit the truck and run to the back of the truck and when they open it up, they see a mortally wounded Colonel being attended by the Maverick Hunters and Repliforce. They climb up back and help attend to Colonel.)

Iris: C'mon, c'mon, stay with me, brother... we're almost there.

Colonel: (weakly) Almost there... almost there.

Mulkiewicz: It's not much further.

(Colonel looks up at Mulkiewicz and grabs his right arm.)

Colonel: Don't stop... don't...

(Colonel then looks up at the sky.)

Zero: (worried) C'mon, Colonel.

(Colonel then lets go of Mulkiewicz's arm as he dies.)

Mulkiewicz: No no no no. COLONEL!

(The camera then looks towards Taylor.)

Taylor: Now we finish this thing. We're the only ones who can stop Irons from launching Manticore.

(Cuddles is now looking over the burning base while Mulkiewicz and X are still looking at Colonel's corpse. X then looks up at Taylor.)

X: It's suicide.

(Skiver then looks down at X.)

Skiver: You're right... But it's what HE would've done.

(X then looks down at Colonel's corpse and both Mulkiewicz and X look up.)

X: Okay.

(Mulkiewicz then backs down at Colonel's corpse and then gets up and looks towards Sartini.)

Mulkiewicz: You got any ideas?

(The camera then zooms towards Sartini, who remembers somthing.)

Sartini: Follow me.

(While they are following him, they pass by Bluey and both her Friends and Family.)

Bluey: What happened?

Zero: (sighs) The Colonel died...

X: Not to mention that Irons is planning to launch the Manticore.

Bluey: This is terrible.

(Then they go to the place mentioned by Sartini, and they see the XS1 Goliath Suits.)

Sartini: Robo-Fred, X, you and the ones who fought alongside you in your battles against Dynamo and the Super Tactical Droid will be using these suits.


Mulkiewicz [Narrates]: It was a plan only Sartini could have come up with -- a frontal assault on Iron's stronghold using the XS1 Goliath suits we found back at the base. Drones would fly us in -- after that we'd be on our own.

(Mulkiewicz's Bravo Squadron and the other heroes are in two A.S.T. suits being airlifted through New Baghdad.)

Kingpin: Sentinel two-one, we are still detecting high levels of contamination in the city. We will not be able to get ground forces to assist you, over.

Taylor: Copy that, Kingpin.

Axl: Enemy forces are closing on your position.

John: I see them. Mulkiewicz, weapons free! Light 'em up!

Mulkiewicz: Got it.

(The heroes then engage incoming Atlas forces. They arrive at an overpass.)

Taylor: Enemies on the overpass!

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