Chapter 27: Badlands Showdown

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(The heroes are seen rushing through a dusty American road while playing some heavy metal music in the background.)

Cervix: Everything okay on your side?

Douglas (via codec): I am out of Colorado air space -- and nothing on the radar

Cervix: Good. We're almost there.

(They see Blade Wolf on the road and stop. He was petted by... Jetstream Sam. Along with Sam are Jack Krauser, James Gunsman, Lincoln Black and Splendont. Adrien feels disappointed as he realizes that only Commander Strike isn't with them.)

Blade Wolf: Cervix.

Lincoln: Having a little heart-to-heart?

Blade Wolf: I have analyzed their words and actions. I am unable to ascertain their motivation.

Jetstream Sam: Fancy meeting you guys here.

Leon: You knew we'd come. I suppose we should thank you for not killing everyone at the launch site?

Jack Krauser: (laughs) Well, not if you say it like that.

Marx: For some hired killers, you're not very good at your jobs.

Gunsman: The war is the big payoff!

Splendid: Right. Big raises all around once the World Marshal gets all those contracts...

Splendont: We're not talking about money, Splendid. We're talking about ideals.

Lincoln White: Excuse me?

Lincoln Black: Forget it. We all heard enough speeches about higher causes by now. History will decide who's right. End of story.

(Cervix, Lincoln, Leon, Marx and Splendid defiantly get off the bike for the second time and nod their heads to point to their respective archrivals on the prairie near the road and leave the rest of the heroes right in the middle of the road.)

Cervix: I don't care who thinks I'm right. And I've got cause enough for killing you.

Jetstream Sam: Wh--? Oh, good. Why, that's very good! Yes, I like that.

Blade Wolf: Must you really fight?

Leon: Don't interfere.

Jack Krauser: This is between us.

(Both heroes and villains get in their fighting stances.)

Lincoln White: And it ends here.

Lincoln Black: OK. Let's dance.

Both Lincolns: Henshin!

Both Decadrivers: Kamen Ride: Decade!

(They transform into Kamen Rider Decade and Kamen Rider Dark Decade, and then the fateful fight begins.)

(Cervix starts fighting Jetstream Sam, and gives some good slashes at him, but gets shoved away. Leon lands some hits on Jack Krauser, and blocks each of his attacks before resuming his strike.)

Jack Krauser: Get ready!

(Decade and Dark Decade change forms.)

N. Decadriver: Kamen Ride: Zi-O! Kamen Rider Zi-O!

D. Decadriver: Kamen Ride: Gold Drive!

 Decadriver: Kamen Ride: Gold Drive!

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