Chapter 22: Mile High

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(In a highway covered with grey clouds, the black car is seen passing through. Cervix is seen watching a news report on a tablet attached to the car's torpedo.)

Reporter: --remain baffled by the statements. Police are still investigating a motive. President Hamilton is on his way to the Middle East this morning for his scheduled visit with Pakistani President Farooq Salam. The meeting is viewed as an attempt by the US to strengthen relations amidst a surge of anti-American sentiment in the region.

(Suddenly Cervix get a message from Bluey, her family and friends. Bluey's new appearace is a half-cyborg due to having got cut by Zero.)

Bluey: Yo, my ninja brother!

Cervix: Bluey. Good to see you up and about. How you feeling?

Chilli: Never better! No pain, no more starving while the piggy boys eat. And Bluey never felt so awake.

Cervix: That's because her cyborg parts caused her blood sugar levels to be maintained automatically. Beats the hell outta coffee.

Bingo: Oh! We heard you're going to whack those punks at their base. Why the hell didn't you take Bluey with you?

Cervix: Dammit Zero... Sorry guys, she'd just be in the way.

Radley: Aww.

Cervix: Besides, I thought you guys didn't want to be killers. Right?

Frisky: We don't, but--

Cervix: Killing isn't fun and games. Remember that.

Brandy: Right.

(The call ends. Raiden is immersed in his own thoughts. He remembers recent events and the words he said.)

Zero's voice: Hahahahaha! That's all I needed to hear!

Bluey's voice: Now!

Sam's voice: It yearns to bathe in the blood of your enemies... but you hold it back.

Cervix: Yeah, just remember that.

(At that moment, a police car pulls up to his car. A policeman shoots him through the window without warning.)

Policeman: Pull over!

(Cervix makes the police car crash, and proceeds driving as more police cars follow him. He accelerates the car and goes through the highway as he receives a calling from Kingpin, who isn't happy about what just happened.)

Kingpin (via codec): Cervix, what is this shit? You cannot resign.

Cervix: Sorry, Kingpin, it's done. Can't have an employee involved in a corporate raiding, now can we?

Kingpin (via codec): You could at least come talk to me!

Cervix: No. It was time to break away from the old team, Boris. Past time.

Kingpin (via codec): You cannot take on Marshal all by yourself!

Cervix: I won't sit by while they butcher people and ship their parts around like meat. It's sick.

Kingpin (via codec): It's not all so simple, Cervix. They import those brains legally, for medical purposes. It's all done --

Cervix: Being legal doesn't make it right.

Kingpin (via codec): Cervix, I --

(Cervix sees some police cars blocking his way.)

Cervix: Hold that thought.

(He brakes sharply, and this makes some driver crash into a fire hydrant.)

Driver: Fuck you, asshole!

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