Chapter 17: The Ambush in Africa (Part 1)

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(In a quiet aftrican town, a limousine is seen with N'mani inside of it.)

N'mani: Three years... We've come so far in just three short years...

N'mani's Advisor: The sign of a strong leader, sir.

N'mani: No -- the will of a strong people.

(The africans are seen enjoying their peace while some children play football in the streets. Back to the limousine, N'mani turns to his advisor.)

N'mani: And one very able advisor.

N'mani's Advisor: Thank you, sir.

N'mani: Your team deserves credit as well... Sir Red-Thunder.

(Cervix takes off his sunglasses.)

Cervix: Just doing our job, Mr

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Cervix: Just doing our job, Mr. Prime Minister.

N'mani: I must admit, I once thought of groups like yours as opportunists -- enablers of war. 

(Outside the limousine, we see Sentinel Task Force, Silver Sonic, Motobugs, Buzz Bombers, Crabmeats, Eggpawns, Swatbots, and other Soldiers along with with N'mani's Troops)

N'mani: But you've trained our new army well -- order has returned sooner than expected.

(Back to the limousine.)

N'mani: Perhaps I was wrong about these "private military companies"...

Cervix: We prefer "private security provider," sir. Most of our contracts do focus on security.

N'mani: Yes, well, "security" can mean many things...

(The camera flies out of the limousine, which is driven by Alia, and shows us that there are several heavily armed APCs in front of it.)

Cervix: (puts his glasses on) There's a saying I like: "One sword keeps another in the sheath." Sometimes, the threat of violence alone is a deterrent. Sometimes, by taking a life, others can be preserved. It's the code the samurai lived by...

N'mani: Mm... A soldier and a philosopher. You are full of surprises Sir Red-Thunder.

Raiden: I could say the same about you, Mr. Prime Minister.

(The limo suddenly stops.)

N'mani's Advisor: What is happening?

Alia: Someone's blocking the lead vehicle

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Alia: Someone's blocking the lead vehicle... Hold on.

(Outside the limousine, A Sentinel Task Force soldier is seen speaking.)

Soldier: Clear the road! This is official state business!

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