Chapter 24: Hostile Takeover

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(The heroes enter the building until they hear a familiar voice.)

Yamato: (scoffs) You killed Vile. I'm impressed. The brains are in the server room undergoing training. Knock yourselves out. Go nuts.

(Then they approach the reception.)

Robot-Receptionist: I'm sorry, sir. Our business hours for the day have ended. We are looking forward to your next visit.

(Alex Jonah/Dark Decade shoots her, and it attracts the attention of some cyborgs and mavericks.)

Kingpin (via codec): Watch out! They keep on coming!

(Killer Shot shoots down some cyborgs while Noah fights a fefnir and they eventually destroy them all. After the fight, Tokuro gets a call from Alia.)

Alia (via codec): Tokuro, your former father contacted you all from the top floor. Time to make your way up there.

(The heroes make their way up, but suddenly they see the elevators disabled.)

Douglas (via codec): The elevators appear to be disabled... Which we... should have expected, I suppose.

Blade Wolf (via codec): I will access the control unit -- perhaps you can hack an elevator, and make it operational.

Douglas (via codec): Ooh, splendid idea! By all means, yes! ...Hmm?

(Suddenly more mavericks come to the building.)

Douglas (via codec): ...Hmm? It seems the guards are storming the building... Raiden, get back to the entrance! Buy me some time to get this elevator operational. (Spade Ace takes control of an UGT) You can control that UGT as well, yes? Give them hell!

(Space Ace shoots some mavericks while Masamune/Red Samurai Ranger slashes some cyborg soldiers. During the fight, Douglas manages to hack the elevator.)

Douglas (via codec): Wonderful! My hack was a success! Board the elevator, guys!.

Kingpin (via codec): Do not stray too far from the elevators, guys. Use the weapons around you to slow them down. Throw everything at them you can!

(Gosei Blue and Iron Patriot help Spade Ace and Red Samurai Ranger to destroy the enemies, and then they head to the elevator.)

Douglas (via codec): For security purposes, the building is divided into upper and lower halves. The lower area consists of offices and meeting space for staff and visitors... While confidential military projects and technical research are restricted to the upper levels.

A. Decade: So that's where the brains and server room will be -- up top.

Douglas (via codec): Indeed. But that elevator can only access the lower floors. You need to get to the 20th floor and past the security gate there to reach the upper area.

Cervix: Lemme guess: time to find another left hand?

Douglas (via codec): Well, that is the problem. Security cyborgs would not have sufficient clearance... But managers and senior staff have already been evacuated, no doubt...

Cervix: So...

Douglas (via codec): The only option is to cut the power to the security gate... Which will not be easy. It is powered by no less than three systems, including a backup power supply. You will need to destroy all of the electrical control panels to disable them. In any case, you should arrive at the 20th floor soon.

(They get out of the elevator.)

Douglas (via codec): The electrical panels are most likely hidden in the walls. Use your Enhanced AR search for any unusual heat sources inside the walls there.

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