Chapter 31: Invasion in Musutafu

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(Several heroes are seen sitting in a jet. Kingpin is talking to the presidents of the USA, China and Russia through a video conference.)

Kingpin: Jonathan Irons has been killed by Mulkiewicz. The whole world turned against the World Marshall as they learned that Sigma leads both Desperado Enforcement LLC and World Marshall.

Premier Chen: Thanks. Thank you, King. People's actions speak louder than any words.

(The video conference ends, and Bosworth leans back on her chair, tired.)

Kingpin: Madame President. The Seal Commander who captured Menendez requested to head up your security detail. He's our best authority on Menendez and he still believes you may be a target.

Agent: Sir, we have activity on the ground. Multiple hostiles.

(The screen shows the drones that were heading to Managua, diverting their course towards Musutafu.)

Kingpin: Oh my God, the drones... They're changing course...

Lyon: Musutafu. I knew it was too easy to crack the Celerium drive. He's targeting the President.

(Two hostiles below take aim at the jet and fire.)

Lyon: Marine One is under attack! Go to the ground! Go to the ground! Alert the MRAP for an immediate pickup.

(The first missile hits and knocks the agents off their feet.)

Lyon: We're going down!

(The second missile hits and they crash. Lyon becomes Spade Ace, gets up and assists Bosworth.)

Spade Ace: Madame President... Are you okay?

President Bosworth: Yeah, yeah I'm fine.

Spade Ace: Are you sure?

(Section turns over to several heroes arriving at the scene.)

Spade Ace: Evac the President to Prom Night.

(The heroes are seen in the back of a MRAP.)

Secretary: Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!!!

Gosei Blue: CALM DOWN! The bullet went through clean. You're gonna be fine!

Secretary: It's still bleeding!

Leangle: I'm gonna give you something for the pain.

(Leangle sticks a syringe in the man's neck and the man passes out.)

Leangle: Son of a bitch!

Odin: Madame President, the drones took out Air Force One and Marine One! We cannot extract you by air!

President: Jones, what's the status on the other convoys?

Odin: LAPD reports surface streets are compromised! Hundreds of heavily armed Mercenaries have struck LA simultaneously.

President: Any word on casualties?

Odin: Downtown Musutafu evacuated, preliminary reports are below expectations.

President: Thank God. Yurgen, what's our next move?

Yurgen/Decade: Madame President, we're taking you to the Prom Night shelter under the Bonaventure Hotel in Downtown.

President: Sans, I want troops on the streets and these drones dealt with.

Ink Sans: NORAD scrambled two hundred FA38s. They're less than five minutes out.

Omega: This is what Menendez planned all along. Taking out the G20 leaders will cripple capitalist governments across the world.

(They drive through the highway until a helicopter flying overhead is shot down by a missile, which crashes into the road and causes the police convoy to be severely decimated. Spade Ace's vehicle is then struck by a missile fired from an enemy jet, causing it to overturn and crash. Spade Ace blacks out for a brief moment, then comes to and crawls out of the wreckage.)

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