This isn't a lovesquare, it's a fuckin' hexagon!

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Nudging me carefully back onto the stretcher, he placed himself between my thighs, while his arms snaked around my back, pulling me taut against his crotch by taking a firm hold on my hips.

I instinctively wrapped both legs around him, while I entangled one hand into his hair, his incredibly soft, neither brown, nor blond hair, but a mixture of both colours, as the other came resting on his jaw, my fingers on the back of his neck, holding him in place afraid, he might pull away soon.

He did, but with a loving smile and stayed close as he whispered:

"We both should not forget to breathe, you know! And we also shouldn't be doing anything further, before you had the chance to speak with Mr Agreste. Wouldn't you agree with me on that?"

I let out a deep sigh, but nodded.

"Yeah, you are probably right!", I sighed again, "but kissing you feels so incredibly good! I wouldn't mind, if we did never stop!"

I leaned my forehead against his, groaning from the desperate arousal, I felt, but which couldn't be soothed or pleased right now.

Sean chuckled and cupped my face with both his hands.

"Come, let's have a look at your friend. She should go home and after getting herself so worked up, she certainly could do with a lot of calm and quiet. And I am very sure, that you feel hurt too, despite..... whatever this is or will become", he said calmly and I could hear, that he felt sad and maybe even a little rueful, "I am not backing out, if you were thinking that, I am simply leaving you all the possibilities open, giving you the opportunity to decide for yourself 'after' you spoke with Gabriel!"

I reached up and grabbed his hands, kissing each of his palms, before I laid them back around my waist. Then I shook my head and placed my lips on his, engaging in another passionate kiss. Only after we parted our lips, I explained:

"It is still all very complicated, but I made my decision! I want to try and be with you. I mean, we barely know each other and no matter how much I am .....uhm..... let's call it, 'drawn to you', neither of us knows, if we can work out at all. But kissing you felt so incredibly right, you made me feel things by just this kiss, which nothing Gabriel ever did, could. And I am not talking about anything sexual, I am talking about the spark, if you know, what I mean!"

He nodded and kissed me back, mumbling:

"I know, what you mean. And I have to admit, I've been one of your fans for quite some time, yet I would have never even hoped to get the chance to meet you, much less talk to you, without being held back by some bodyguard. I even was outside in the audience, when you did that last show. And to soothe you and take away your fear, as I can see it in your eyes, I have never been stalking you. I passed by there on my way home and as I admired your work, your serious work, not the underwear, but your overall appearance, your talent....yes, I heard you sing and play your violin....., I just thought I could stop and have a short look at the woman, I had come to adore, when I was babysitting my sisters and had to watch every fashion show, in which their great idol, Adrien, was taking part.

I maybe should have told you sooner, but when I saw you sitting in front of that desk in the doctor's office, knowing, that you were with the Gabriel Agreste 'and' having his baby, I was more than just starstruck. And nervous as fuck!"

I giggled, when I thought back to the day and how he had told me he'd try to make the examination as pleasant as he could.

"Yeah, I remember that!", I teased him, "but I was too. Just that I was completely overwhelmed with the new situation and then there was this young, handsome almost doctor telling me something like that, while he was about know!"

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