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    " Shit. "

Confusion clouded Harry's green gaze, the forest in them darkening as anxiety prickled at his system. After all, confusion is just anxiety in a different cloak, the brain trying to fool itself. " What? " He wondered, his voice uneasy as his gaze set on his lover's silhouette.

    Louis stood frozen in place, his eyes staring through the windshield of the car, glazed and vacant, while he held his phone in his hand. His skin morphed into a shade of ice while his eyes turned emotionless, small glints of fear revealing themselves gradually.

    " Louis! " The youngest's voice was more stern, breaking Louis out of his trance.

    The man didn't respond, his hand still holding the phone, the boy not ceasing in noticing the slight tremor of his arms, before he slowly extended the hand towards Harry to show him what the object held that scared him to this extent.

    It was a message from Zayn.

    Z: don't come to the house, we've been ambushed

    We all know how grave an ambush can be and what its results are. Well, shit. Harry thought to himself as he watched Louis, the man in a state he's never seen before.

" What are we going to do? " He asks, curiosity laced around his tone as he played awkwardly with his fingers.

The capo placed his palms against his face, groaning angrily as he thought about something. " I hope they're all alright. " He murmured, his voice on the edge as his eyes looked aimlessly around.

" They are. You trained them well. " The curly boy tried to reassure him, placing his hand comfortingly on his shoulder.

Louis shook his head, before he placed his hands on the wheel, his slender fingers wrapping tightly around the leather material. " We can't stay here. We need to go to Italy. " He inhaled deeply, before turning on the engine and finding quickly a route that'll bring them to safety.

It's been hours since the incident happened, the two lovers safely back at the Italian mansion. Louis has been pacing around his office, gesticulating exaggeratedly and blabbering incoherent words, while Harry sat awkwardly on the chair, staring helplessly at the man. He tried talking to him, but to no avail. The curly haired teen realized that Louis was really, really close to Zayn and loved him more than any other gang member. This was the only reason he was agitated. He didn't give a crap about the others.

It was when Zayn barged into the clearing, through the huge double doors, that the capo calmed down. The raven haired man fell on the ground, his limbs failing him as he felt defeated and powerless, every trace of strength faded from his system. He was coughing up aggressively when Louis sprinted towards him, helping his trembling body up.

Terror seemed to freeze every drop of blood in his system. " Fratello, are you alright? How damaged are you? Who was- " The powerful man attacked his brother with countless questions, overwhelming him and not offering him a single change to respond.

" Louis, calm down. Let him breathe. " Harry rushed next to him, placing his arms on both of the man's biceps and holding him back slightly, rubbing reassuringly at his body.

    Louis' breaths were rapid and agitated as his eyes were obscured with storms that obliterated everything in their path. Two buff gang members emerged in the room along with a woman he knew as Leigh Anne, their purpose being holding the strengthless man up and helping him.

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