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    Harry is pissed. He's very much pissed. He's been transported back to Italy like a fucking object and he does not like that one bit. Louis completely evaporated into thin air as Zayn interrupted them and ever since, he hasn't laid eyes on the capo. It filled him with a vexatious feeling, ire tinkering at every nerve. He couldn't believe he let himself be brainwashed by the Capo. Of course he didn't give a crap about him and everything was just a game to him. All of that made Harry to want to punch his pretty face.

A sudden knock on the door broke Harry out of his angry thoughts, causing him to groan in frustration and stuff his head in the pillow. " I've brought you food. " Zayn's oh so familiar voice thudded in his ears, no emotion present in his timbre.

Without lifting his head from the pillow, Harry muttered angrily in response. " Whatever. " This certain action didn't appeal to Zayn in the slightest, an evident scoff booming through the room.

" Listen here, puto. You refusing to eat just to defy me is not going to work, because to be honest I couldn't give less of a fuck about you. And second, you're in no position to talk like that to someone who's in power here. " Zayn's furious growl emerged to Harry's ears the same time he felt a harsh tug at his hair causing him to yelp in pain, eyes clenched shut and heart starting to hammer in his chest, the thuds booming in his head loudly. " I will not hesitate to slap the shit out of you if you can't show me respect. " This last sentence was almost as quiet as a whisper, but rambunctious words coming to surface, which crawled under Harry's skin and arose goosebumps out of fear.

Maybe Harry was dumb when he let the following words slip his mouth, but he couldn't help it. " You deserve no respect after kidnapping me! " His yowl broke between words as a quiet sob finished the exclamation. He instantly tried to pull away and shield his face, unaware if the gang member was going to keep his promise or not.

He could hear how hard Zayn's breathing was, almost as if he was restraining himself from doing something he would later regret, while his grip on Harry's locks tightened before he let go of the boy and stormed out of the room, leaving a trail of cusses in Italian behind him. The curly haired boy found himself sitting all alone in the room, the door still open ajar and the tray with food greeting him on the nightstand. Quick, jerky breaths were currently leaving the boy's nostrils as his chest rised up and down, while his eyes were scrutinizing the tray in front of him. In that moment, numerous distinct emotions of fury were flooding him, the negative feeling radiating off his body, his jaw clenching as hard as it could. He fucking hated this place. And he hated Louis for keeping him away from his shitty family.

Without a clear mind, the boy found himself sweeping at the tray violently, knocking off all of the food that happened to be placed on it and making a whole mess, both on the ground and on his bed.

    A heated, scorching glare creeped on his face as stuttered breaths escaped his lungs. His whole body trembled in the slightest as he gulped back angry thoughts that threatened to erupt out of his mouth, before he broke out in cascading tears that trailed all the way down to his chin. Tears out of pure anger exploded all over his face just like a volcano would do when it is at its peak, his clenching teeth beginning to hurt as he forced himself to remain quiet.

He needed to punch something. He needed to release all the anger that crowded in his system. And that's exactly what he did. He punched the same wall he punched not too long ago, this time the force he struck with was more powerful. The second his fist collided with the wall, a wail of agony escaped from between his lips as the pain extended from his fist to his whole body, tears beginning to prickle at his eyes once again. He heard the sound of bones cracking under the pressure, the result forcing him to hold his fist in his other hand, affliction melting his body until he felt his knees touch the ground.

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