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    Twilight has fallen over the city, a faded silver moon making a grand appearance on the purple sky, its weak rays illuminating the ground surface, when Harry was walking around the streets of Madrid trying to clear his mind. A few days ago they moved places, again, since Louis figured it wasn't safe to stay in the well known mansion in Italy. He told Harry people started looking for him in Italy.

    It's good because no one knows who Harry is, hurting his ego, and his association with Louis. He also had no idea where he currently was right now, he got lost in Madrid, so he kept strolling along the path and let it led him where it desired. From time to time, he didn't cease in noticing a Wanted Poster with the face of none other than... Louis Tomlinson. Now everyone knows his name, isn't that great?

    He bought a purple smoothie to drink along the way, he specifically chose it since purple is his favorite color. It's such a beautiful color isn't it?

    The wind was swerving the boy's curls in every direction, blocking his eyesight which sent Harry into a brief state of indignation.

    The last days were really nice to Harry, he got to spend a lot of time with Louis, but he still... didn't ask Harry to be his boyfriend. It's been around a month since the incident and their quarrel happened and still... nothing. The teen just doesn't understand how... how can this be? He has always received what he desired, he didn't need to wait for it and strengthen his wish for it even more, he received it instantly. So why does it now happen to him now? Why does the one thing he desires the most isn't given to him?

    He shook his head, trying to stretch his eyebrows away from a frown. Maybe he needs to learn that he can't have everything in the world. But it's really haaard. He scoffed, drowned in numerous thoughts about Louis.

    Suddenly, he felt something dark cover his head along with something else that grabbed his harshly and before he could react or yelp, he was thrown into some sort of van, he figured. Panic sparked like fire in his chest as he was stripped of one of his senses and had no idea what was going on. Am I being kidnapped? Again?

    He tried to break free from the grip on his wrists that felt like a rough rope around his skin, while he continuously shook his head trying to break free from the cloth that was covering his eyes. The adrenaline that filled his system and amplified his panic didn't help at all.

    Suddenly, he stopped his toiling as he felt several presences before him and just as he sensed one near him, probably wishing to harm him, he dodged it. The training with Liam really paid off, but he still needed practice.

    He heard unknown voices to him talk around him and that started to piss him off. The boy was sick of getting kidnapped and toyed around as anyone wished. That's why he subtly started feeling with his back the surroundings that were glued to his figure, trying to find something that could help him get rid of the cloth.

    In an instant, he took advantage of something sharp that was specifically sticking out and helped himself out of the darkness only to be faced by three buff men with guns pointed to him.

    At that terrifying sight, his fear hardened and rooted itself in his chest until he could hardly breathe.

    " Hola? " He croaked out, his green eyes bulging out of his orbits, their pupils contracted with anxiety.

    The men grunted at that and arranged their guns more evenly. The curly lad visibly gulped.

    " Could I help you? " Harry tilted his head to one side, an audible tremor in his voice as the anger he felt before diminished until it was completely replaced by fear.

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