Chapter 6

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24 May

{a/n: finally we move on from the 23 ahahah, it's been almost four chapters}

Scaramouche let out a grunt and blinked several times, trying to adjust to the light in the room. His senses and his brain were still numb while he was thinking how good he slept that night. Then, he realized he didn't have a blanked on, his arms were around something, there was something on his chest, that wasn't his room, and more importantly there was someone sleeping in from of him, in the same bed. <<Y/n?>>

Sighing, he started to remember what happened the night before <<I really fell asleep when she wanted to treat my lip? Damn, how pitiful. I bet she tried to wake me up and didn't manage to...>>

He was trying to get up, carefully shifting his arm under you to try not to wake you up. But you were already awake. For a whole half an hour you just laid there staring at his sleeping face thinking only how cute he was when he wasn't swearing like a sailor and how embarrassing that situation was. You thought you looked like a newly married couple, but you weren't even a couple to begin with. And realizing he was about to wake up too, you decided to fake sleeping to avoid any awkward situation. For now, at least.

Scaramouche sat up, looking briefly at your body and your cute pajama before slowly getting off your bed. He went to the bathroom, washed his face getting rid of the last bit of makeup and came back next to your bed, to retrieve his phone from your desk. Ideally, he wanted to leave without meeting your parents and leaving no trace behind. Unlocking his phone, thought, his hopes started shaking. All the messages from Childe, his sister, his mum and Kazuha didn't bother him at all, what worried him was the hour displayed: 10:13 am. Goodbye to his plan. It was the middle of a Saturday morning, the chances of your parent not being awake or being outside were slim.

For a moment he thought about the window, but if someone happened to see him, the situation would have gone downhill dramatically. His thoughts got interrupted by a female voice calling your name while opening the door.

You mum heard some noise coming from your room and thought you finally woke up. But opening the door and calling or your name to ask you what you wanted for breakfast, she was greeted by a nice dressed beautiful young man, standing beside your bed where you seemed to be sleeping.

All Scaramouche's hopes shattered like thin glass. He was standing in front of who he supposed was your mum, a boy she never saw, there in the morning after sleeping with his daughter. Sure, he literally just slept, but <<Is a mother going to believe that? Probably not...>>. He was thinking, but your mum smiled at him, looked at you, placed a finger on her lips to tell the boy to not say a word and waved him to follow her outside your bedroom. She seemed nice, but his heart was beating fast. Afterall, the most scary and dangerous women seem nice. Grabbing the car keys and breathing deeply, he followed the woman.

As soon as he closed the door behind him, you opened your eyes and sat up, trying to figure out what just happened and what might be happening between those two in that moment. Your phone vibrated on your desk next to your bed, getting your attention. You had a lot of notifications, mainly from Hu Tao, Fishl and the group chat with them and Jean, but the one message that just arrived was the only one you cared to open, for now.


hi y/n. sorry for the burden, but scaramouche's mum noticed he didn't come back home last night and asked me to check on him. he's not answering my texts, but hu tao told me you met him yesterday and he got you back home. do you by any chance know where he could be? maybe he told you something, his mum doesn't really care if he goes back home or not, but he usually informs her or me if he's not going to, so we are a bit worried... sorry again for the trouble, and i heartfully wish i didn't wake you up with this

&quot;i don't belive you&quot; (scaramouche x fem reader) a genshin impact fanficWhere stories live. Discover now