Chapter 3: Drag me

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A waiter approached me! He led me to where my table is. I was about to sit on my chair then suddenly . . .

I saw Samantha! Eating her lunch.

" I dont want her here! I dont want to see her in my restaurant" (Jenny's family owns a highclass restaurant) . I said angrilly.

"Manager" I yelled !
"I want that girl to be banned in this restaurant"

"But ma'am, she's our customer. We just can't drag her out of this restaurant". He said worriedly

"I don't care! Just get her out of here"

The manager ran towards Samantha and talked to her. I can see Sam's face getting dissappointed.

"Noooo!!" She yelled from her table

The security guards dragged her outside. I'm laughing and I love seeing her like that. Haha (insert evil laugh)

While Sam was being dragged outside, she shook herself up just to get out of the guards tight hold from her. She glanced at me with an ANGRY look. She looks like she's going to take revenge.

Well , let's see . . .

Samantha's POV

I'm eating lunch at this restaurant. The manager comes near me and talked to me. I disliked his tone.

Suddenly these armed security guards dragged me outside. I really got so pissed! I shook my self as strong as I could biy it's no use.

Then I saw Jenny on the other table laughing at me.

The guards put me down on the entrance of the resto. I realized that this resto was owned by Jenny's family! Ugh!

"Disgusting!" I said on my thoughts.

Jenny? There, I can see her eating harmonously on her table. Such a witch.

I headed back to school and I took a seat on out classrom. I still have 10 minutes to take deep thoughts. I was about to start then suddenly Jenny came from nowhere!

"Hello". She said in a witchy tone

"Hi!" I replied with a poker face

"That's quite a goid scene you did over there huh! ". She said with a bitchy face

"Ikr! I liked it! Thanks a lot for that!" I said

"Really? I wanna try it again! Haha ". She said with an evil laugh

"You know what Jenny? Are you trying to be a bitch on me? Well, if I were you! You better stop! If you want war, I'll give you war! Mark my words!" I said angrilly

"Oohhhhww! I'm sooo scareeddd! Haha!" She laughed and became serious. "TRY ME! "

We stared at each other for a few seconds with fiercer looks. We cut what we are doing since the bell is rings for afternoon classes will start already.

I stood up and went back to my chair. I gave her that I'll-be-watching-at-you look. She just smirked as a response , that only signals how game she is on our Rival !

"I'll show that girl what I've got". I said in my thoughts.

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the BITCH and the FAMEWHOREDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora