Chapter 22: Realization

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Third Person POV

Samantha fell into the stairs and got comatosed for 3 months. That's quite a long time but the pain Jonas had caused her was unforgettable. Eventhough Sam is in a Comatose state, she won't forget how Jonas played, cheated and made fun of her feelings towards him.

It's been 3 months and Samantha haven't woke up yet.

Jonas have been eated by his conscience so he is doing his very best to visit Sam in the hospital more often and he always bring flowers for her. Maybe it's the best thing to repay her.

"You know Sam, I really do love you"  Jonas said in a weak voice

Samantha really wanted to respond but she couldn't.

"Sam, I love you and I want to be with you. When you wake up, I hope you'll forgive me from all of the things I've done to you. You are sweet, caring, kind, beautiful and you are a strong girl. I know that you'll wake up soon from this awful nightmare"  Jonas said a few words to Sam. He was just looking for the perfect time to say all of those.

He looked at Sam's unconsious face and felt guilt. He wished if he could just punch his self till death he would do it. But all he wants at this very moment is to make everything better.

The room was filled in silence with the presence of Jonas and Sam. He stares at Sam's face as he moves his eyes to her still hands. If he could just see her hand move a little, it will give him hope and would surely lift him up.

He stares still at Sam's hand and it moved. He gasped and swallowed the lump on his throat. He was not so sure with what he have seen. He looked at it again closely and it moved.

He jumped in happines and quickly went out of the room.

"DOCTOR!" he yelled

"DOCTOR! Doc!" He yelled again.

He ran to the front desk and asked the nurse for the Doctor. The nurse gave him a smile knowing that he's having a good news.

Samantha's parents just arrived and he gave them a hug.

"Sam's hand moved!" He said

The happines on the face of Sam's parents were priceless. The doctor came from his office.

"Why are you yelling?? What's the problem??"  the doctor asked

"Follow me doc!"  Jonas replied feeling really excited.

Sam's parents followed

They entered the room and found Samantha wide awake. The room was filled with Joy and hope for a new beginning. Sam's mom cried because of extreme Joy.

Jonas can't believe that Sam is awake. It gave him hope that she'll be able to forgive him and be with him again.

"Now that she's awake, we still need to conduct a few more tests then a few more days and she can go home"  the doctor said

"That's good news doc"  Sam's mom said

Samantha roamed her eyes in the room trying to annalyze everything, then she sees Jonas standing by the door with a smile and a teary eye look.

"Samant-"  Jonas was cut on his sentence.

Then Samantha flashbacks all the pain Jonas had caused her. Tears starts to fall from her cheeks.

"What are you doing here?!!!"  She yelled as she stares at Jonas

Jonas got shocked why Samantha behaved in such way. Well, He can't blame her for acting such behavior. Tears starts to form on his eyes

"Uh-uhm I-I..."  He was cut by his sentence

"Get out and don't you ever dare to show me your face!!"  Samantha yelled

He can't hold it anymore. He can't hold the pain of Sam's words to him. Tears had fallen from his cheeks and he ran outside trying to escape from the hospital room.


After a few days, Samantha got fully recovered from the injuries and Jonas really did what she requested. Jonas did not showed up for a few days untill she got our of the hospital.

Samantha went home with her parents. She can walk but slowly. She went up to her room and laid down to her bed.

"I missed this!"  She sighs

The things that happened before she got comatosed flashbacks into her mind and remembers how Jonas cheated on her and it hurts a lot.

As she continues to reminisce her mem'ries, she heards a knock on her door.

"Who is it?"  She asks

"It's Jenny" 

What? What is she doing here? After what she did to me? What the hell!

Samantha rolled her body sideward so that Jenny can't see her as she enters the room. The door creaks and footsteps were heard. The smell of tulips were scattered all over the room. Samantha sniffed and smelled the air. The scent seems so familiar to her.

She rolled back and saw Jenny carrying a bouquet of tulips. She gasped for what she have seen.

"Uh! Tulips! My faves!" She said as she grabs the tulips from Jenny's hands and smells them

Jenny sitted beside Sam and started talking.

"Uhm, Sam. I think this us the perfect time to apologize on the things I have done to you. I know I got so mean and hard on you. My heart was full of hatred. Untill you got admitted to the hospital for 3 months and my conscience was killing me. Then I realized that hatred and revenge is not a good thing, but instead it will break us and bring us down."  Jenny said with a very Sad look

Tears starts to fall from their eyes

"Oh! I know you've changed Jenny. And I know that I also got really hard and harsh on you, I'm sorry for that. I also realized the same thing as you do"  they both smiled and hug each other.

Now, they realized that  friendship is better than hatred.

So this story is about to END and I hope you are going to support this. :)

vote and Comment please.


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