Chapter 10: Be with Me

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Jonas' POV

I'm sitting at a bench near the cafeteria. I'm holding my basketball as I'm passing it from my one hand to another. I'm waiting for Samantha to arrive because today she's going be with me, if she's going to say "yes" to me. Minutes later, Jenny passed. She winked at me and I winked her back. then she just walked away. I thought she's going to talk to me, but she didn't.

Few more minutes of waiting. Finally, Samantha arrived with her fancy car. She roamed her eyes around. I think she's looking for me. I took a deep breath and opened my thoughts for the possible things she's going to say. I just keep on sitting still. I decided to stand up so that she will see me. She roamed her eyes again on my direction. She waved her hands at me and I waved back. I think she's up to something good. She ran towards me and so do I. She hugged me tightly that we almost fell to the ground.

I cup her face. I can see happiness and excitement inside of her.

"Jonas!" She said

"Yes??" I said

"It's a yes!" She said

I got confused. She raised her eyebrows as she crosses her arms on her chest. Now I get it

"Yess??" I said in excitement

I hugged her tight and lifted her.
"Jonas, stop! Let me down" she said as she punches my biceps. I put her down and she gave me a tight hug. I cup her face and said "I will never break your heart"

I looked her at the eyes and lips. My face was only a few inches away from hers. I was about to kiss her then suddenly a loud announcement from the large speakers echoed on the whole campus. Students stopped from walking just to listen.

"Good Morning students and staff. Since our Intramurals is fast approaching, the administration decided to have a Miss Intramurals pageant. Every year level must have two representatives. Two for the Freshmen, the Sophomores, the Juniors and the Seniors. Thank you and God Bless"

The speaker stopped and all of the students around us were very excited. I can see excitement on their faces and so as Samantha. Seems like she's planning to join. She looked at me in the eyes. The school bell rings. That means classes needs to start. I kissed her forehead and she blushed. I asked for her number and she gave. We exchanged numbers.

"Bye sweetheart. I guess I should go now. I love you." I said

"I love you too sweetheart. Mwaahhh" she gave me a flying kiss.

I walked all they way to my classroom. But I stopped a few minutes on my locker. I grab my locker keys on my bag and took some of my things. Then, I headed to my classroom for my class.

I arrived to my classroom and took a seat on my chair. The teacher haven't arrived yet. I'm looking forward for our Intramurals. I would like to play basketball. Basketball is my life. I should get a lot of practice, since intramurals is a week away. Since I'm a basketball player in this school, I should call my team mates for a practice.

Samantha's POV

I arrived at school and my eyes roamed around. I'm looking for Jonas, but he's not present. I looked back to the other direction, and there he is sitting on a bench. His blonde hair and those blue sparkling eyes of his completes my day.

I waved my hand at him. I ran to him and gave him a big big hug that we almost fell to the ground. I wanted him to be my boyfriend so I said "Yes" at first he got confused but a few seconds later, he knew. He jumped in happiness and he hugged me.

We almost kissed each other but a very loud announcement echoed in the whole place. Then a few minutes, the school bell rings for my class is about to start.

"Bye sweetheart. I guess I should go now. I love you." He said

"I love you too sweetheart. Mwaahhh" I said as I give him a flying kiss.

I ran to my classroom and so as Jonas. I'm very sure that our teacher and classmates will choose who's going to be the representative of the freshmen for the upcoming Miss Intramurals. I'm very sure that I'll be the one, and who's going to be the other one? I bet it's not Jenny, she's not qualified. And most especially, I don't like her. Ugh! I arrive in our classroom and Jenny was there. Sitting on her chair and she got that huge smile on her face. I think she also heard the announcement. I mean who would not have heard of it? It's extreme loudness would have damaged her eardrums. Haha.

I enter our classroom and I glared at Jenny. I ruined her smile. Haha. She rolled her eyes at me. Then our teacher arrived.
"Good morning ma'am" all greeted

"Good Morning. Have you heard the announcement?" She said as she smiles

"Yesss" my classmates answered excitedly. Of course I'm included. I'm excited because I'm very sure I'll be one of the representatives.

"Yes! We are having a Miss Intramurals pageant. Who do you think will be our representative?? What you think?" She said with very intriguing face.

"Samanthaaaa! Jennyyyyy!!!" My classmates gone wild as they try to support me, but I disapprove Jenny for joining the pageant. Ugh.

"Looks like we have a representative already! How about miss Samantha Smith and miss Jenny Roberts??" The teacher said

"Yesssss" my classmates yelled

I can see Jenny is trying to be nice to please all of them! Ugh! So fake!

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