Chapter 21: CRITICAL

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Samantha's POV

Jenny and I got into a fight and she accidentally pushed me into the stairs. I fell and I felt that my head hit on the sharp part of the concrete stairways. I laid on the last step of the stairs and groaned in extreme pain. My vision got blurry. I can't move my body due to the fatal fall. I can hear the people panicking trying to help me. A few minutes later the rescue team arrived and got me carried on a bed with wheels. My vision was still blurry until it got dark and I got unconscious. That's all I remember after the incident.


I can hear a beeping sound beside me. The place seems so quite and calm. Am I dead? I can't move my body! What happened to me? I try to open my eyes but I can't. I can't feel anything. How long have I been in the hospital?

I heard the door creaked and banged. It seems like somebody got inside the room. I can hear them murmuring, but they are in a distance that I can't hear them clearly. The only thing I heard was "COMATOSE" , maybe the man that is talking is a doctor or something.

Their conversation is slowly getting more clear, that means they are near.

"She's recovering"  the doctor said

I can hear a woman sobbing, I can tell she's my mom.

"She can hear and already feel the things around her" the doctor added.

I felt a warm grasp on my hand. My mom holds it a little tight.

"Get well soon honey, I LOVE YOU"  she said as she continues to sob.

I really want to say I love you too but I couldnt. Tears starts to fall from my closed eyes. My mom wiped it. A few minutes later, I heard a knock on the door.


The door creaked and somebody entered, I can tell because of the footsteps.

"I'm so sorry for what happened ma'am"  the man said. I can tell it's Jonas. I can recognise his cheatingness all over.

"What are you doing here?!"  My mom said with a loud tone.

"I-I'm here to apologize for what had happened. I know I did a mistake and that mistake caused this problem. And I think I'm the one who should fix this. Please ma'am, can I have a second to have a word with your daughter? Please "  Jonas said. I can feel his sincerity on apologizing

Mom took a deep sigh.
"Oh well, it happened! But! After she wakes up, make sure that you are not going to see her again! "  my mom said

"Yes ma'am. I promise"  Jonas said

"Okay, I'll leave you here. I'll just wait outside.

I heard mom's footsteps going out of the room. I  can hear Jonas grabbing out a stool for him to sit. He grabs my lifeless hand and cups it on his face. He stars to sob and tears starts to fall on my hand. Ugh! If only I could move and slap him even harder! But, oh, the damage has been done.

He continues to sob and I felt pity for him.

"I'm so so sorry Sam. I know I made a mistake, and that mistake is cheating on you. But you know Sam, as the time pass by on that pretension, I really fell in love with you already. I know I was wrong for following Jenny's orders. If only I could ask for your forgiveness."  He said as he continues to sob.

I really wanted to answer him what he really wanted then suddenly somebody opened the door.

"Jenny?? Why are you here?" Jonas asked

What?? Jenny's here? What is she doing here? She almost killed me and still she has the guts to show her face? Ugh!

"I would like to apologize for what happened"  Jenny said

"I know, me either. I'm also here for that bussiness."  Jonas said with a low voice

"Can you give us a minute please?"  Jenny said

"Sure! " Jonas replied

His footsteps came to the door and went out. Now it's only Jenny and I in one room, only the two of us. I wonder what she's planning, is she going to kill me here for the second time?!

She stayed in silence for a few seconds. Then she cried really hard and she fell on the floor. "I'm so sorry Sam!" She cried

She stood up and she grab my hand.
"I know I really got rude on you. I know I caused you this problem you were into. I'm so sorry Sam, I know I don't have the right to be forgiven from all of those bad deeds I did. But still, despite all of those, I ask forgiveness for everything I caused you. You are a good person and I know that. You are a fighter and you can get through with this problem. I know you can hear me"  she cried even harder

After she said sorry, the room was filled with silence. Silence that could make you deaf for a minute.

Yeah, she's right, I'm a fighter and I can fight this Comatose. I can feel her warm breath on my hand and her tears flowing.

"Sam, I hope by the time you wake up you'll be happy. I know you can't forgive me that instant but still I'm asking for it. Thanks for everything"   Jenny said

Wow! I never heard her say those kind of words before. I didn't know she also have a soft side as a person. I know what she says is real now.

Her footsteps while she walks away is the only thing I can hear from the silenced room. I can tell she's already walking away.

I heard somebody murmured from a distance. I think it's mom and Jenny talking. Mom's footsteps were coming near me. She hang my hair to my ears and wiped the tears on my eyes. Oh mom, if only I can tell how heavy I feel this time.

"Get well soon baby"  she said as she kisses my forehead then I felt asleep.

This story is about to end and I would like to read your comments about this.

I will end this maybe about 1 or more chapters.

Vote and comment please.

P.S. Please tell me how good this story is. Is it bad or good ?? THANKS

(I'm sorry if I'm having mistakes about that Comatose thingy. I really don't have any Idea about that )

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