Chapter 20: Rude Awakening

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Jonas' POV

A night has been with Samantha, and it was great. I admit I enjoyed it. But one thing I've regreted, I shouldn't have done it to her. She's so inoccent. I'm such a jerk on what I did to her. She don't deserve to experience that kind of thing on her age.


Third Person POV

Things are running smoothly between Samantha, Jonas and Jenny. They were acting as normal people and as normal school mates. After the night of Jonas and Samantha, the relationship of the two got colder and Samantha is a little bit worried about her womanity.

Few days had passed and Jonas was not talking to her truthfully. Jonas' treatment to Samantha is as cold as ice. She starts to wonder what happened to him. Why he had changed and what caused him to act like that. He's acting like nothing had happened to the both of them.

Samantha was very deppressed and can't even focus on her studies. Jenny noticed that Samantha is a little bit out of her mind and Jenny is happy for that. She wants Sam to suffer.

Classes is over and Samantha found Jonas walked by her classroom. She followed him up to 3rd Floor of the Science and Technology Building.

"Jonas! Jonas!" She yelled, to the extent that the students were staring in her. But Jonas acts like he haven't heard anything.

"Jonas!!" Samantha yelled as strong as she could as she grab Jonas' jacket arm.

He looked at her with a crease on his forehead. "What!?" He said with anger

"What?! Is that all are you going to say?" She cried

"What else am I going to say?" He said

"Anything!" She said

"I'm sorry Sam but we are done!" His mad face was being changed with a frustrated look

"Sorry?!" Sam said as she hits Jonas' chest a couple of times. But Jonas doesn't have the power to stop her. After all what he did to her, it was awful!

Students are looking at them with confusion on what is happening. Samantha is crying hardly.

"STOP!!" A loud voice bangged in the hallway. Students stopped and looked who was it. It was Jenny.

"What is happening here?!" Jenny said as she walks towards Samantha and gives her a glare. She went to Jonas and wraps her hands around Jonas' arms.

"What's wrong dear? Is this girl bothering you?" She said in flirtation

Samantha's eyes widened of what she heard. She can't believe that Jenny and Jonas are together, how can she that dumb of not knowing that?.

Her legs were shaking of anger and her hands starts to form strong fists. She looked down and tears starts to fall from her eyes. Her legs were out of her control and she fell on her knees. Tears continue to fall from her face.

Jonas let go of Jenny's hand and it changed her mood. He handed Samantha his hand to help her get up.

"No!" Samantha said in a weak voice

She stood up and Slapped Jonas' face. His face turned red after that and rubs it with his hand.

"I'm sorry Sam" he said in a weak voice

"Sorry? Is that all are you going to say after what you did? Why did you do this to me?!!! " Samantha said

"OMG Sam, I gotta tell you something about us!" Jenny said proudly

"For pete sakes Jenny! Stop it!" Jonas said in anger.

"No Jonas, I think the right time has come for her to know? It's her right to know!" Jenny added

"Right to know what?! C'mon tell me!" Samantha cried.

Jonas run his hand to his hair trying to think how to stop this.

"Jonas! Do the honor. Why not you tell her?" Jenny said

"Jenny, please stop! I'm begging you!" Jonas said

"I'm sorry Jonas, not a chance! Haha" Jenny said wickedly

Samantha held Jonas' shoulders " Jonas! tell me. Are you with her? Tell me, Are you up to something? I'm asking you!!" Sam cried

"I'm so sorry Sam. All of this was just a plan. We planned it!" Jonas said in a weak and regreting tone.

"We? You mean, the two of you planned this?!" -Samantha

"Yes, we planned it!" -Jonas
"From Confessing you my feelings, making you say YES to me, bring you on that road trip, to let you watch my basketball game,and lastly that happened that night. It was all our plan. She paid me to do all of that."
Jonas looked down because of embarassment of himself.

"You know Sam, me and Jonas are together ever since the two of you got into a relationship. Haha " -Jenny

"You mean, you're lying to me all along? The two of you?! How can you do this to me Jonas? I treated you like my everything! Isn't it enough?!"

Samantha's tears continues to fall on her cheeks as those words came out of her mouth.

"Correction dear! We hate each other! And it all went worse when you stole my throne as the Miss Intramurals! You stealer, you twat! Oh my God! " Jenny said

"Let's go Jonas! Let's leave that girl! " Jenny added as she pulls Jonas' hand to leave the premises.but Jonas did not go.

"Stop it jenny!" He said as he tries to let go of Jenny's hand.

"What! Oh well, you like her? Suit yourselves. A garbage, and a garbage collector! Perfect Match!"

She said as she tries to point Jonas as the Garbage and Samantha as the Garbage Collector.

"Samantha, I'm so sorry"
Jonas said as he holds Samantha's hand, but Samantha refuses to hold it.

"BITCH!!!" Jenny said in a very loud tone almost yelling at Samantha.

Samantha got really angry at her. She ran towards her. Jenny felt a very tight grip on her hair. Samantha pulled it as strong as she could and they both fight each other. Yelling and groaning can be heard on the fight.

Jenny looks very nervous on what Samantha might do to her. Samantha looks like a devil who was about to eat a person. But Jenny doesn't want Samantha to get over her. She fought back at her, without realizing they are both near the stairs.

Jenny pushed Samantha to the stairs accidentally. Samantha fell on the stairs and she rolled until she got on the last step. Blood was coming out from her head and she got unconsious.

Jenny gasped of what had happened. The world slowed down as she watches Samantha fighting for her life soaked on her own blood.

Jonas quickly went down the stairs and lifted Samantha to bring her to the nearest hospital.
Jenny was very shocked of what had happened. She did not expect that all of these is going to happen.

Now, she's left alone. Still in state of shocked. She regreted everything she did to Sam. Many thoughts run down her head.

"What if Samantha won't survive?
What if she'll die?

I know I got too selfish before and I did not expect that this will happen. If she'll die, I'll carry my conscience for a lifetime" -she said on her thoughts.

She ended up crying and regreting.

I know it is very boring, but that is the twist. All of what Jonas and Samantha did was all a plan.

This story is about to end, so you better drop your comments and votes.


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