Chapter 12: The Bleachers

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I know that you are looking forward for the Miss Intramurals. Just stay tuned.

Samantha's POV

Yesterday was a very exhausting day. My feet aches. Our dance intructor was a famous dancer in France and he's strict as hell. Ugh! I really want to kick his freaking ass yesterday! He even said some freaking unfavorable words to the candidates. But we have no choice but to follow his instructions. Yesterday I was very tired but I got energized because Jonas dropped me by our house. It was such a relieve. I let my driver go home first and I lied to him that we are going to extend our time practice.

Today, we are having our 2nd day practice. Same time same place. Mr. Marcial told us to bring our heels today so that we can master wearing it as we dance. I know how to walk with heels, but dancing the same step 50 times while wearing those killer heels, it would kill me.

I head my way to the gymnasium. I'm wearing my heels right now of course. I love the way my ponytails sway on my catwalk. I grab my phone on my bag and texted Jonas.

To Jonas: Hi babe!

I waited a few minutes but I recieved nothing. I passed by the cafeteria and I saw Jonas and Jenny together. They were having a very good talk. I come to them and looks like I ruined their talk.

"Hi babe!" I said as I roll my hands on his blonde hair

"Hello babe" He said nervously

I can sense something very fishy in here.

"Why are you here babe?! I thought you're kind'a busy or something. I texted you but you did not reply" I said meanly

He grab his phone on his pocket.

"Oh! Sorry babe" he said

Without any words, Jenny stood up and walked away, I think she's heading to the gymnasium . I don't care she left and that's a good thing.

"Why are you talking to her?" I said as I take a seat on Jenny's chair.

"N-nothing, she wants to be a friend of mine. That's it! Ehe" He said with a half laugh

"Okay babe. I gotta go, and I think you should also go and have your basketball practice. I Love you" I said.

"K, bye babe!" He said as we stood up from our chairs and headed our ways to opposite directions. I headed to the gymnasium and hurried the walk oe else I'll be late. When I arrived on the gymnasium, all of the candidates was already there except me. I'm trying to catch my breath.

"You're 2 minutes late!" Mr. Marcial said

"Well, a queen is never late! Everyone else is just simply early" I said with poise. I thought I'll impress him, but. . .

"You're not a queen! Not unless if you own a country! Let's start!!" He said in a loud tone. I pretended that I'm not embarrased with what he said. I walked to line up with the other girls and I checked Mr. Marcial's outfit from head to toe. I was shocked. He was wearing 6 inches Gucci heels. Man! He's rocking the heels craze!

"Okay! Figure two would be like this! 1,2,3,4,5. . ." He started counting and executes the steps. It's very easy for me. I can do it with my eyes closed. Haha.

And Jenny was there trying so hard. Her wholeness really irritates me. Ugh! She's a total distraction on my eyesight. While we are dancing. I came near to her and I whispered, " you're zipper is open"

She gasped and got really shocked. What I said was only a joke. Hahah. She gasped and got confused with the steps and she wasn't able to cope up with the other girls. Haha

"You! What's going on there! It's a very simple step then you can't do it? What kind of being are you?!!" Mr. Marcial said with a little bit of disappointment on his face.

I'm trying not to laugh at Jenny. Haha. I pitied her on her situation. She deserves it. A kind of girl like her don't belong here. She's just a waste of time.

Finally, figure 2 is done and we are up to figure 3. The girls are cooperating very well. Mr. Marcial taught us the formations we are going to make. Now we are about to dance while tranfering to different locations. We practiced and the other girls were groaning in pain, except for Me of course.

"Ya'll tired?!" Mr. Marcial said a little bit if French accent

"Since you're all tired! Let's continue the practice!" He said

"OWWWHHH" the girls exclaimed. I thought we are going home or something.

Few hours later, we already completed the figures to be danced on Saturday for the Coronation day of Miss Intramurals. Tomorrow we will be having our general rehearsal. I'm very sure that we will be exposed to the different exposures of the pageant.

Plus, Jonas will be having a basketball game tomorrow. We are totally drained and Finally Mr. Marcial dissmissed us. I sat by the bleachers and took of my heels. I placed it inside my bag and wore my NIKE shoes on. Jenny looked at me but I glared at her. She gave me that revenge smile. Well, I'm not afraid of her. I'll justet her do what she likes. Hhmmpp. I grab my bag and went outside the gymnasium. I thought of texting Jonas but I realized that he's having his basketball practice today. I passed by the Basketball court trying to see if he's there. Luckily he's still there.

I climbed up to the bleachers and took a seat as I looked at him playing basketball. I am the only person watching the basketball team practicing. Jonas really enjoys basketball that he did not even noticed me by the bleachers. No worries, I'll just stare at him.

Few minutes later. He saw me. He waved his hand at me, I waved back. Then he came near me. I watch his sweat run down on his body as he breaths heavily.

" hi babe!" He said

"Hi babe. Are you with your basketball practice. You should practice hard because you'll be having your game tomorrow" I said

"Oh about that. Would you like to watch our game tomorrow? Please. " he said as he show those puppy dog blue eyes of his.

"Okay, I'll watch" I said as I hit his hard and sweaty biceps with my hand.

"Yey! Thanks babe. The game starts at 2pm" He said as he hugs me tight. Now my face was stick on his sweaty chest. Haha. I wanted to wipe it but I'm shy.

"By the way babe. I gotta go" I said

"Okay babe" he said

"I love you" I said as I walk down from the bleachers

"Bye" he said as he gave me that very sweet flying kiss.

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