Chapter 18: Dinner Date

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Samantha's POV

After an exhausting trip with jonas we ended up in a small motel. Only the two of us, but nothing happened, luckily.

Last night, I'm watching him sleep, he looks very cute while sleeping, and it makes me fall inlove with him even more. Oh, my words aren't enough to express my love for him. I hope we are like this everyday.

Jonas' POV

Yesterday was so much fun. Samantha and I went on a road trip and it went perfect. Nevermind the almost accident we got into, what's more important is we came home safely.

Since, we had a roadtrip yesterday, I'm asking her to come over and have a dinner with me. At a fancy restaurant I think. I know we are not that wealthy, but there's a way for that. What am I gonna do to make her go out with me for dinner, oh well. I'll just text her.

Good Morning Baby  -me

I waited for a few minutes for her to reply.

Yes babe? - Samantha

Uhm, are you free tonight?  -me

Yes babe, why?  - Samantha

Can I ask you to go out with me tonight? A dinner perhaps?  - me

Yes, if course babe! But where are we going to have dinner? - Samantha

I tap my chin and thinked for a minute. Where are we going to have dinner? In a resto or here on our house? Hhmmmpp besides my parents aren't home, they're on a vacation.

How about, you'll come over to my house tonight and have dinner with me, besides my parents aren't home - me

That would be great! I'll just come over? How about 7?  - Samantha

That's perfect! I guess I'll just have to wait here for you babe. - me

Okay babe. I gotta go!  - Samantha

Those are her last words but I did not bother to reply. I thinked of the possible things that I'll do tonight and I'll planned for the foods. I am going to cook for our dinner or I'll just order pizza. Well, I'm not a good cook but I'll try. Besides, cooking is more romantic. I'll just have pizza as a back-up plan.

I put down my phone and headed to the kitchen. I opened the cabinets, the fridge and the baskets. Ugh! No supplies, how am I able to cook. Tsss.

So, I'll just go to the grocery store and buy some supplies. While I'm heading to the grocery store, I was thinking on what I'll be cooking. I'm planning to cook simple foods. How about beef stew, ugh NO! Uhm oh, I know, how about white spaghetti. I'm very sure she'll like it. I arrived at the grocery store and started getting some ingredients like pasta and others.

After buying some supplies, I immediately went home and started preparing. Take note, I just prepared I'm not starting to cook yet. I have no idea, how to start and how to do it! Ugh! This is so hard. Why does impressing a girl so hard?

I took a walk to our sofa and started thinking. What if my plan will be big failure. If it will be a big failure, well atleast I tried. I looked to my right and stared at my phone. I grab it and stared at the home screen and I also checked the notifications bar. It's empty, just like my head trying to process. I went back to the kitchen and started doing something.

I took of my shirt and put on an apron.
I Started to do some small things. Everything went awful and the kitchen was a total mess. I tried hard and many failures occured. I looked at the time and I did noticed it's already 6:00 pm and I haven't took a bath yet.  This is very impossible, I can't finish this on time. My pasta is not cooked and My body stinks. I tried the cooking as fast as U could. My phone rings and I did not bother to check it out.

While I'm preparing the food, suddenly our doorbell rang twice.

"Babe?" Samantha said behind the door.

My eyes grew wide, I wasn't expecting that she's coming this early, it's still 6. I looked at the wall clock and It's already 7. Time flew so fast. I'm not prepared. Pasta on my hair and white sauce on my apron. What am I gonna do. I'm the messiest person at this moment.

"Wait baby!"  I yelled all the way from the kitchen.

I stopped what I am doing and headed to the door. I opened it and Samanthas got really shocked on how I looked. I know I looked messy but she shouldn't give me that look.

"I know I look aweful!"   I said

"No! You look perfect!"   She said as she giggles

"You're a liar! Haha , come inside!"  I said

She looked at the kitchen and her face changed in image. Our kitchen was very messy.

"So, is everything fine here?"  She said as she walks by the sofa and sitted.

"Uhm, there's a little bit of a problem"  I said worriedly

"What is it?"  She said as she scratches her hair.

"Uhm, I'm a total mess and the food is not ready."   I said

"I know that. Seems like you had a very serious trouble cooking around here"  she said

"So, how about we eat pizza for dinner? Is it okay for you?"  I said shyly

She took a few seconds to decide.

"Uhm, it's okay"  she said

"So I'll just call the pizza bar and have us some hawaiian pizza?"   I said

"It's perfect!"   She said

"Can you wait here baby? I'll just take a shower, I smell"   I said

"Okay I'll wait here!"  She said.

Samantha's POV

So, I kept on texting Jonas that I'm on my way but he's not responding. I hope he's doing okay. I arrived at his house and pressed the doorbell twice the  he answered. He opened the door and I'm very shocked how messy he looked, but still he looks so hot. He is only wearing a shorts and an apron. His biceps were smiling at me and his left nipple is sneaking on the apron.

I'm a little bit starstrucked at was being cut by my thoughts and he said how messy he was. I sitted on the sofa and we ordered pizza  since the food is not ready and he explained what struggle he went through while cooking. Jonas went up to take a shower and he said that I'll wait here downstairs, but he was wrong. I followed him upstairs to his room.

I sitted on his bed and I'm staring at the bathroom glass door. The room was very dark and and the only light source was the light coming through from the bathroom. I can see Jonas' shadow on the glass door.

The noise of the water falling from the shower stopped and that's a sign that he is done bathing. He opened the glass door of the shower and went out. He turned the lights on of the room from the switch beside the glass door. The light went on and I yelled. OMG!! He's naked and I saw his dic* hanging! 

He panicked te grabbed the nearest object he can use as a cover and I covered my eyes with my hands.

"I-I thought you were downstairs waiting?!"  He said with a loud tone

"So-sorry"   I said

I can't help it, he's really hot. His wet and fresh body is very tempting. His body smells so good.

I was being cut on my thought then suddently he his having a tight grip on my hand. I fall on his bed and Jonas is lying on top of me, NAKED. I can see his member below. I can't resist his charm. His beautiful blue eyes were sparkling and tells me something.

Then, his soft pink lips touched mine. His hand crawls to my undershirt and felt a really good sensation as his hand caresses my breasts. His hands continues to crawl as he deepens the kiss.


P.S. DO YOU WANT ME TO DETAIL WHAT HAPPEND OR NOT? please write down your comments. If no one comments then I think I'll won't detail it. It's a little bit sexual. THANKS FOR READING.


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