chapter 6: Samantha's Mister

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Continuation. . .

Sam just stare at Jenny as she walks away. Then she turned her head back the other way then she bumped herself to somebody that caused her bag to fall. She felt that hard chest of a man, his cologne, and his warm voice that said "sorry".

She looked up and saw a man with blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. She was shocked for who it was. It was Jonas Blue.
"Jonas did not looked like this before. He looked so different than before. He looked so handsome" she said on her thoughts.

Jonas just passed her way. Samantha can feel her cheeks get warm and she starts to blush.
"What is this? Why am I feeling this?" . Samantha is in a stage of confusion.

Samantha's POV

I'm really confused with what I really feel. I haven't felt like this before with a guy. I mean, his perfume, his voice, his appearance, really makes me happy.

That moment we bumped from each other, many butterflies fluttering crazilly on my stomach.

After Jonas passed and bumped me. I'm just staring at him walking away from the hallway. I can still feel my face turning warm. I followed his steps with my eyes until he's out of my sight.

I walked down the hallway and I saw Jenny. I looked at her and she replied with just a glare. I think she's still disappointed. I just smiled fakely at her.

Let's go back to Jonas. He's really cute and I don't know. I can't get him out of my mind. Ohh noo! What if I'm starting to like him? What I'm I'll be in love with him? What am I gonna do??

I went to my car and headed home. My driver parked our car at the garage and I ran to my room for deep thinking. I jumped to my bed and started to think about Jonas, AGAIN! . It's not good to think of a guy. I just can't help my self from thinking about him. Maybe I should start to avoid him.

Fast Forward >>>

I don't really have the courage to face Jonas. Everytime we meet at the hallway or in the school grounds, I always get conscious on my actions, like is my hair ok, is there a dirt on my face, is my make-up hard and many things.

Many days had passed and I'm still avoiding him. But there is a problem, the more I avoid him, the more I'm liking him or should I say the more I fall for him. I really can't help it.

Jenny's POV

I'm sitting on a bench at school trying to cool down from Sam's bitchyness! I can't believe she's our class mayor. Ugh. I really hate her. I should be the class mayor. She's incapable of everything.

So, I'm sitting here, doing nothing.
Then I can see Samantha from my location. I looked and observed her closely on what she's doing. She's still there, standing on the hallway where I pulled her ugly hair. Ugh!!
Then she bumped at Jonas. Good for her. She deserves it. Haha.

Wait, is she blushing. She looked really stunned of Jonas. What is happening to her? Hhmmmpp. I can smell something very fishy around here. I need to investigate more. And once I get some information, hhhmmm maybe I can use it. Haha


Third Person POV

Days had passed. Samantha is still avoiding Jonas. They even come to the extent that Jonas poked Samantha because he has something to say, but Samantha did not respond. She always disregard Jonas.

On the other hand, Jenny is so desperate to get informations. After days of stalking and investigating, she finally concluded to something. Her efforts on investigating was very usefull for her revenge.

"OMG! Samantha is in love with Jonas! Now that's a revelation. Haha" - she said on her thoughts.

Jenny was planning something that would really make Samantha fall apart. It will give Sam that devastating and hurtful life.


Jenny's POV

I'm done on my locker, I went back to our classroom.I arrived at our classroom and Samantha was there at the back of my chair trying to be nice at me. She prepared the chair for me. I can sense her "all over FAKENESS! UGH! "

"Have a seat!" She said

"You're so fake!!" I said with a loud tone

"IKR! Hahah" she said

I sat on my chair wondering what she's up to.

Then suddenly I felt something really unusual.

"Aaaahhhhhhh". I yelled

To be continued Ladies and Gents.

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